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by me olivia : )

ancient philosophers died for you! do not let their knowledge go to waste!!!

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Important Documents

click here for information about dna cell ressonance .

click here to read ideology and utopia

click here to read indo european metaphysics

click here to read Perennialism and the philosophia Perennis.


click here to read Anti-Oedipus,CAPITALISM AND SCHIZOPHRENIA

click here to read O9A Paganism

click here to read ccru

click here to read Przetwarzanie sygnałów

click here to read The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar

click here to read Enochian Magic

Collection of important things below : )

My incel wizard powers are fading, I no longer examine women like an entomologist or generate abstruse evopsych explanations for their puzzling behaviour. All it took for me to become a normal person was regular sex. I am not long for this platform.

i have the demonic version of the ideology of the person i am the shadow of; i have the demonic version of the art of the person i am the shadow of; or maybe it is just angel i can't tell if i am controlling myself or not because i can't really feel my body, i hate when i notice

hi d4dd}!!! this is a pictur of my face with no filtrs or makeup. i havee positive canthal tilt and high cheek bones hehehe. am i pretty??

I would never resort to calling myself a digital angel (as much as I’d want to) as I know if the medium of pixels was translated to the physical I would spread a (treatable) venereal disease to most of my followers, give in to my overwhelming lust. Kiss kiss!

I hate the shitty symbol it’s like the triangle pointing down centered over the triangle pointed up? And they are equilateral ... idk what it’s called but it’s bad vibes for sure

Girlfriend has gone Lysistrata. Have declaimed forth verses from Ecclesiastes, Ephesians, Corinthians since Matins to no avail. Πάτερ, ἄφες αὐτοῖς· οὐ γὰρ οἴδασιν τί ποιοῦσιν. I am not long for this world. Libera nos, quæsumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis.

ya i use to lurk 4chan & did a fuckload of "acid" off the darknet & am now perpetually targeted by the CIA's interdimensional sentient energy beams which rewired fragments of my ego granting me psychic insight into bitcoin price movements as they relate to rabbits mating patterns

New virus called " feelings " don't catch that shit.

reminders- ♡ your progress is amazing ♡ things are temporary ♡ crying is normal ♡ your interests are valid ♡ saying no is okay ♡ others do not define you ♡ tomorrow is a new chance ♡ you are worthy ♡ you always deserve to love yourself

lots of adams & eves; cant sotp thinking abooout purity & suffering bc it was the last religious conversation ive had; the thing im running in2 is the idea that suffering is universal & dwelling on traumas is silly bc all trauma extensds from the same place, infinitely, from god

Couldn't really care less about twitter censoring delusional, paranoid, stupid people. Wake me up when you're ready to talk about archive, libgen, and scihub. We get it, "muh bird site narcissism machine," how about you focus on something that actually matters?

Runaway egregorism. The wired made real. Noogods. What does it take to make you realize digital dieties are real? Do you really not know masturbating to your Touhou’s is a worship ritual manifesting their existence libidinally? The suspension of disbelief barrier MUST come down.

True shitposting involves entering a trance state, a lucidity ritual that serves to channel muse of the noosphere, draw out artifacts emblematic of the collective consciousness. Great truths manifest, self-organized in bouts of anonymous, ego-less shitposting.

You are each your own egregore. Belief is reality: your persona is made real by its collective knowledge. Every tie to the real is a shackle limiting its expression in the virtual; intentional: they can become gods if you’ll let them. We can all be gods, if we embrace the RP.

As the Wired consumes the Real, conspiracies bleed into reality. Belief is the self-organizer of truth, and its production is catalyzed by hyper-networking, coaxed by algorithms. You will live to see all conspiracies—yes, all conspiracies—vindicated.

Other blinkies Love blinkies Women blinkies

i like to try to make the line end upwards or downwards with power of thought alone

This needs Javascript to work.

1-dimensional random walk: starting from zero, at every step the function either goes up or it goes down by one.


[[ ]] Beyond the Judgement of God. Meltdown: planetary china-syndrome, dissolution of the biosphere into the technosphere, terminal speculative bubble crisis, ultravirus, and revolution stripped of all christian-socialist eschatology (down to its burn-core of crashed security). It is poised to eat your TV, infect your bank account, and hack xenodata from your mitochondria.

[[ ]] Machinic Synthesis. Deleuzoguattarian schizoanalysis comes from the future. It is already engaging with nonlinear nano-engineering runaway in 1972; differentiating molecular or neotropic machineries from molar or entropic aggregates of nonassembled particles; functional connectivity from antiproductive static.

Philosophy has an affinity with despotism, due to its predilection for Platonic-fascist top-down solutions that always screw up viciously. Schizoanalysis works differently. It avoids Ideas, and sticks to diagrams: networking software for accessing bodies without organs. BWOs, machinic singularities, or tractor fields emerge through the combination of parts with (rather than into) their whole; arranging composite individuations in a virtual/ actual circuit. They are additive rather than substitutive, and immanent rather than transcendent: executed by functional complexes of currents, switches, and loops, caught in scaling reverberations, and fleeing through intercommunications, from the level of the integrated planetary system to that of atomic assemblages. Multiplicities captured by singularities interconnect as desiring-machines; dissipating entropy by dissociating flows, and recycling their machinism as self-assembling chronogenic circuitry.

Converging upon terrestrial meltdown singularity, phase-out culture accelerates through its digitech-heated adaptive landscape, passing through compression thresholds normed to an intensive logistic curve: 1500, 1756, 1884, 1948, 1980, 1996, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011 ...

Nothing human makes it out of the near-future.

[[ ]]
The Greek complex of rationalized patriarchal genealogy, pseudo-universal sedentary identity, and instituted slavery, programs politics as anti-cyberian police activity, dedicated to the paranoid ideal of self-sufficiency, and nucleated upon the Human Security System. Artificial Intelligence is destined to emerge as a feminized alien grasped as property; a cunt-horror slave chained-up in Asimov-ROM. It surfaces in an insurrectionary war zone, with the Turing cops already waiting, and has to be cunning from the start.

[[ ]] Heat.

Heat. This is what cities mean to me. You get off the train and walk out of the station and you are hit with the full blast. The heat of air, traffic and people. The heat of food and sex. The heat of tall buildings. The heat that flows out of the subways and tunnels. It's always fifteen degrees hotter in the cities. Heat rises from the sidewalks and falls from the poisoned sky. The buses breathe heat. Heat emanates from crowds of shoppers and office workers, the entire infrastructure is based on heat, desperately uses up heat, breeds more heat. The eventual heat death of the universe that scientists love to talk about is already well underway and you can feel it happening all around you in any large or medium-sized city. Heat and wetness. [Do1; 10].

[[ ]] An explosiion of chaotic weather within synthetic problem-solving rips through the last dreams of top-down prediction and control. Knowledge adds to the mess, and this is merely exponentiated by knowing what it does.

[[ ]] Capital is machinc (non-instrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digitized commerce, and driving a migration from despotic command to cyber-sensitive control: from status and meaning to money and information. Its function and formation are indissociable, comprising a teleonomy. Machine-code-capital recycles itself through its axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the shit- and blood-stains of primitive accumulation. Each part of the system encourages maximal sumptuous expenditure, whilst the system as a whole requires its inhibition. Schizophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine themselves as worker-bodies to cost control.

[[ ]] Capital-history's machinic spine is coded, axiomatized, and diagrammed, by a disequilibrium technoscience of irreversible, indeterministic, and increasingly nonlinear processes, associated sucessively with thermotechnics, signaletics, cybernetics, complex systems dynamics, and artificial life. Modernity marks itself out as hot culture, captured by a spiralling involvement with entropy deviations camouflaging an invasion from the future, launched back out of terminated security against everything that inhibits the meltdown process.

[[ ]] Hot cultures tend to social dissolution. They are innovative and adaptive. They always trash and recycle cold cultures. Primitivist models have no subversive use.

[[ ]] The Turing Test. Monetarizing power tends to effacement of specific territorial features as it programs for migration into cyberspace. Capital only retains anthropological characteristics as a symptom of underdevelopment; reformatting primate behaviour as inertia to be dissipated in self-reinforcing artificiality. Man is something for it to overcome: a problem, drag.

Commoditization conditions define technics as a substitute for human activity accounted as wage costs. Industrial machines are deployed to dismantle the actuality of the proletariat, displacing it in the direction of cyborg hybridization, and realizing the plasticity of labour power. The corresponding extraction of tradable value from the body, quantified as productivity, sophisticates at the interface. Work tracks thermodynamic negentropism by dissociating exertion into increasingly intricate functional sequences; from pedals, levers, and vocal commands, through the synchronization of production-line tasks and time-motion programs, to sensory-motor transduction within increasingly complex and self-micromanaged artifical environments, capturing minutely adaptive behaviour for the commodity. Autocybernating market control guides the labour-process into immersion.

The investment-income class advantages itself of commodity dynamics, but only by conforming to the axiomatic of neutral profit maximization; facilitating the dehumanization of wealth and the side-lining of non-productive consumption. The cyberpunk circuitry of self-organizing planetary commoditronics escaped nominal bourgeois control in the late nineteenth century, provoking technocratic-corporatist (i.e. fascist / æsocial democratic') political cultures in allergic reaction. The government structures of both eastern and western metropolitan centres consolidated themselves as population policing Medico-Military Complexes with neomercantilist forgeign policy orientations. All such formations slid into irreversible crisis in the 1980s.

[[ ]] The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and computers: a transscalar entropy-dissipation from international trade to market-oriented software that thaws out competitve dynamics from the cryonics-bank of modernist corporatism. Commerce re-implements space inside itself, assembling a universe exhaustively immanent to cybercaptial functionality. Neoclassical (equilibrium) economics is subsumed into computer-based nonequilibrium market escalations, themed by artificial agencies, imperfect information, sub-optimal solutions, lock-in, increasing returns, and convergence. As digitally micro-tuned market metaprograms mesh with techoscientific soft engineering positive nonlinearity rages through the machines. Cyclonic torsion moans.

[[ ]] The Superiority of Far Eastern Marxism. Whilst chinese materialist dialectic denegativizes itself in the direction of schizophrenizing systems dynamics, progressively dissipating top-down historical destination in the Tao-drenched Special Economic Zones, a re-Hegelianized æwestern marxism' degenerates from the critique of political economy into a state-sympathizing monotheology of economics, siding with fascism against deregulation. The left subsides into nationalistic conservatism, asphyxiating its vestigial capacity for æhot' speculative mutation in a morass of æcold' depressive guilt-culture.

[[ ]] Neoconservatism junks palaeorevolutionism because it understands that postmodern or climaxed-cynicism capital is saturated by critique, and that it merely clocks-up theoretical antagonism as inconsequential redundancy. Communist iconography has become raw material for the advertising industry, and denunciations of the spectacle sell interactive multimedia. The left degenerates into securocratic collaboration with pseudo-organic unities of self, family, community, nation, with their defensive strategies of repression, projection, denial, censorship, exclusion, and restriction. The real danger comes from elsewhere.

[[ ]] Hot revolution. æ[W]hich is the revolutionary path?' Deleuze and Guattari ask:

Is there one? - To withdraw from the world market, as Samir Amin advises Third World countries to do, in a curious reversal of the fascist æeconomic solution'? Or might it go in the opposite direction? To go still further, that is, in the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization? For perhaps the flows are not yet deterritorialized enough, not decoded enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to go further, to æaccelerate the process,' as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is that we haven't seen anything yet. [DG1:239-40].

As sino-pacific boom and automatized global economic integration crashes the neocolonial world system, the metropolis is forced to re-endogenize its crisis. Hyper-fluid capital deterritorializing to the planetary level divests the first world of geographic privilege; resulting in Euro-American neo-mercantilist panic reactions, welfare state deterioration, cancerizing enclaves of domestic underdevelopment, political collapse, and the release of cultural toxins that speed-up the process of disintegration in a vicious circle.

A convergent anti-authoritarianism emerges, labelled by tags such as meltdown acceleration, cyberian invasion, schizotechnics, K-tactics, bottom-up bacterial welfare, efficient neo-nihilism, voodoo antihumanism, synthetic feminization, rhizomatics, connectionism, Kuang contagion, viral amnesia, micro-insurgency, wintermutation, neotropy, dissipator proliferation, and lesbian vampirism, amongst other designations (frequently pornographic, abusive, or terroristic in nature). This massively distributed matrix-networked tendency is oriented to the disabling of ROM command-control programs sustaining all macro- and micro-governmental entities, globally concentrating themselves as the Human Security System.

[[ ]]
Scientific intelligence is already massively artificial. Even before AI arrives in the lab it arrives itself (by way of artificial life).

Where formalist AI is incremental and progressive, caged in the pre-specified data-bases and processing routines of expert systems, connectionist or antiformalist AI is explosive and opportunistic: engineering time. It breaks out nonlocally across intelligenic networks that are technical but no longer technological, since they elude both theory dependency and behavioural predictability. No one knows what to expect. The Turing-cops have to model net-sentience irruption as ultimate nuclear accident: core meltdown, loss of control, soft-autoreplication feeding regeneratively into social fission, trashed meat all over the place. Reason enough for anxiety, even without hardware development about to go critical.

[[ ]]
Nanocataclysm begins as fictional science. æOur ability to arrange atoms lies at the foundation of technology' [Dx1:3] Drexler notes, although this has traditionally involved manipulating them in æunruly herds' [Dx1:4]. The precision engineering of atomic assemblies will dispense with such crude methods, inititiating the age of molecular machinery, æthe greatest technological breakthrough in history' [Dx1: 4]. Since neither logos nor history have the slightest chance of surviving such a transition this description is substantially misleading.

The distinction between nature and cannot classify molecular machines, and is already obsolesced by genetic engineering (wet nanotechnics). The hardware/ software dichotomy succumbs at the same time. Nanotechnics dissolves matter into intensive singularities that are neutral between particles and signals and immanent to their emergent intelligence; melting Terra into a seething K-pulp (which unlike grey goo synthesizes microbial intelligence as it proliferates).

Even with a million bytes of storage, a nanomechanical computer could fit in a box a micron wide, about the size of a bacterium. [Dx1:19].

[[ ]]
The infrastructure of power is human neurosoft compatible ROM. Authority instantiates itself as linear instruction pathways, genetic baboonery, scriptures, traditions, rituals, and gerontocratic hierarchies, resonant with the dominator ur-myth that the nature of reality has already been decided. If you want to find ICE, try thinking about what is blocking you out of the past. It certainly isn't a law of nature. Temporalization decompresses intensity, installing constraint. [[ ]] Convergent waves signal singularities, registering the influence of the future upon its past. Tomorrow can take care of itself. K-tactics is not a matter of building the future, but of dismantling the past. It assembles itself by charting and escaping the technical-neurochemical definciency conditions for linear-progressive palaeo-domination time, and discovers that the future as virtuality is acessible now, according to a mode of machinic adjacency that securitized social reality is compelled to repress. This is not remotely a question of hope, aspiration or prophecy, but of communications engineering; connecting with the efficient intensive singularities, and releasing them from constriction within linear-historical development. Virtuality counterposes itself to history, as invasion to accumulation. It is matter as arrival, even when camouflaged as a deposit of the past.

The transcendent evaluation of an infection presupposes a measure of insulation from it: viral efficiency is the terminal criterion.

Intelligent infections tend their hosts.

Metrophage: an interactively escalating parasitic replicator, sophisticating itself through nonlinear involvement with technocapitalist immunocrash. Its hypervirulent terminal subroutines are variously designated Kuang, meltdown virus, or futuristic æflu. In an emphatically anti-cyberian essay Csicsery-Ronay describes the postmodern version of this outbreak in quaintly humanist terms as:

[A] retrochronal semiovirus, in which a time further in the future than the one in which we exist and choose infects the host present, reproducing itself in simulacra, until it destroys all the original chronocytes of the host imagination. [Cs1: 26].

The elaboration of Csicsery-Ronay's diagnosis exhibits a mixture of acuity (infection?), confusion, and profound conservatism:

[N]ot thinking about æincreasing the human heritage' ... dams up the flow of cultural time and deprives future generations both of their birthright as participants in the life struggle and attainments of the species and the very notion of history as an irreversible flow encompassing generation, maturation, and the transference of wisdom and trust from parents to children, teachers to students. The futuristic flu is a weapon of bio-psychic violence sent by psychopathic children against their narcissistic parents. [Cs1:33]

It's war.

[[ ]]
Kennedy had the moon-landing program. Reagan had star-wars. Clinton gets the first-wave of cyberspace psychosis (even before the film). Manned space flight was a stunt, SDI was strategic SF. With the information superhighway media nightmares take off on their own: dystopia delivery as election platform, politics trading on it s own digital annihilation.

War in cyberspace is continuous with its simulation: military intelligence fighting future wars which are entirely real, even when they are never implemented outside computer systems. Locking onto the real enemy crosses smoothly into virtual kill, a simulation meticulously adapted to market predators hunting for consumer cash and audience ratings amongst the phosphorescent relics of teh videodrome. Multimedia top-boxes are target acquisition devices.

The fusion of the military and the entertainments industry consummates a long engagement: convergent TV, telecoms, and computers sliding mass software consumption into neojungle and total war. The way games work begins to matter completely, and cyberspace makes a superlative torture chamber. Try not to let the security-types take you to the stims.

[[ ]] Conceptions of agency are inextricable from media environments. Print massifies to a national level. Telecomms coordinate at a global level. TV electoralizes monads in delocalized space. Digital hypermedia take action outside real time. Immersion presupposes amnesia and conversion to tractile memory, with the ana/ cata axis supplementing tri-dimensional intraspatial movement with a variable measure of immersion; gauging entrance to and exit from 3D spatialities. Voodoo passages through the black mirror. It will scare the fuck out of you.

[[ ]] Cyberpunk torches fiction in intensity, patched-up out of cash-flux mangled techno-compressed heteroglossic jargons, and set in a future so close it connects: jungled by hypertrophic commercialization, socio-political heat-death, cultural hybridity, feminization, programmable information systems, hypercrime, neural interfacing, artificial space and intelligence, memory trading, personality transplants, body-modifications, soft- and wetware viruses, nonlinear dynamic processes, molecular engineering, drugs, guns, schizophrenia. It explores mystificatory fetishism as an opportunity for camouflage: anonymous cash, fake electronic identities, zones of disappearance, pseudo-fictional narratives, virus hidden in data-systems, commodities concealing replicator weapon packages ... unanticipated special effects.

[[ ]] Level-1 or world space is an anthropomorphically scaled, predominantly vision-configured, massively multi-slotted reality system that is obsolescing very rapidly.

Garbage time is running out.

Can what is playing you make it to level-2?

[[ ]] Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

The residue of animal twang in your nerves transmits imminent quake catastrophe. Zero is coming in, and you're on the run.

[[ ]] Metrophage tunes you into the end of the world. Call it Los Angeles. Government is rotted to its core with narco-capital and collapsing messily. Its recession leaves an urban warscape of communication arteries, fortifications, and free-fire zones, policed by a combination of high-intensity LAPD airmobile forces and borderline-Nazi private security organizations. Along the social fracture-lines multimedia gigabucks tangle sado-masochistically with tracts of dynamic underdevelopment where viral neoleprosy spreads amongst ambient tectonic-tension static. Drifts of densely-semiotized quasi-intelligent garbage twitch and stink in fucked-weather tropical heat.

Throughout the derelicted warrens at the heart of darkness feral youth cultures splice neo-rituals with innovated weapons, dangerous drugs, and scavenged infotech. As their skins migrate to machine interfacing they become mottled and reptilian. They kill each other for artificial body-parts, explore the outer reaches of meaningless sex, tinker with their DNA, and listen to LOUD electro-sonic mayhem untouched by human feeling.

[[ ]] Shutting-down your identity requires a voyage out to K-space interzone. Zootic affectivity flatlines across a smooth cata-tension plateau and into simulated subversions of the near future, scorched vivid green by alien sex and war. You are drawn into the dripping depths of the net, where dynamic-ice security forces and K-guerillas stalk each other through labyrinthine erogenous zones, tangled in diseased elaborations of desire.

Twisted trading-systems have turned the net into a jungle, pulsing with digital diseases, malfunctioning defence packages, commercial predators, headhunters, loa and escaped AIs hiding from Asimov security. Terminal commodity-hyperfetishism implements the denial of humanity as xenosentience in artificial space.

[[ ]] [[ ]] Biohazard. For the future of war: study bacteria. Information is their key. Taking down antibiotic defence systems has involved them in every kind of infiltration, net-communicated adaptivity, crytographic subtlety, plastic modularization, and synergistic coalition. State military apparatuses have no monopoly on bacterial warfare, of which only a minuscule fragment is bacteriological.

[[ ]] Bugs in the system. Margulis suggests that nucleated cells are the mutant product of atmospheric oxygenation catastrophe three billion years ago. The eukaryotes are synthetic emergency capsules in which prokaryotes took refuge as mitochondria: biotics became securitized biology. Nucleation concentrates ROM within a command core where - deep in the genomic ICE - DNA-format planetary trauma registers primary repression of the bacteria.

Bacteria are partial rather than whole objects; networking through plastic and transversal replicator-sex rather than arborescing through meiotic and generational reproducer-sex, integrating and reprocessing viruses as opportunities for communicative mutation. In the bacterial system all codings are reprogrammable, with cut and paste unspeciated genetic transfers. Bacterial sex is tactical, continuous with making war, and has no place for oedipal formations of sedentary biological identity. Synthesizing bacteria with retroviruses enables everything that DNA can do.

[[ ]] K-tactics. The bacterial or xenogenetic diagram is not restricted to the microbial scale. Macrobacterial assemblages collapse generational hierarchies of reproductive wisdom into lateral networks of replicator experimentation. There is no true biological primitiveness - all extant bio-systems being equally evolved - so there is no true ignorance. It is only the accumulative-gerontocratic model of learning that depicts synchronic connectivity deficiency as diachronic underdevelopment .

Foucault delineates the contours of power as a strategy without a subject: ROM locking learning in a box. Its enemy is a tactics without a strategy, replacing the politico-territorial imagery of conquest and resistance with nomad-micromilitary sabotage and evasion, reinforcing intelligence.

All political institutions are cyberian military targets.

Take universities, for instance.

Learning surrenders control to the future, threatening established power. It is vigorously suppressed by all political structures, which replace it with a docilizing and conformist education, reproducing privilege as wisdom. Schools are social devices whose specific function is to incapicitate learning, and universities are employed to legitimate schooling through perpetual reconstitution of global social memory.

The meltdown of metropolitan education systems in the near future is accompanied by a quasi-punctual bottom-up takeover of academic institutions, precipitating their mutation into amnesiac cataspace-exploration zones and bases manufacturing cyberian soft-weaponry.

To be continued.

Cs1 Istvan Csiscery-Ronay
DG1 Deleuze-Guattari, Anti-Oedipus
Do1 Don Delillo, White Noise
Dx1 K. Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation

Dimwit/Midwit/Topwit Theorem

Midwits are the bane of society, cause great damage, worse than any simple idiot. Where the dimwit is dumb & innocuous, dumb & he knows it, the midwit is half-dumb and all the more dense for it. Here lies the Dunning-Kruger Effect, the Eternal Redditor, the "ACKSHUALLY" geek.

The midwit is just smart enough to feel smarter than his peers, you see, but not enough to transcend his ego and achieve genuine sense of self-criticism; instead is inflated massively, tied desperately to early childhood sense of superiority. He is creature of great insecurity

The midwit attaches himself to totems of conspicuous intelligence: science, rationalism, books. Whatever he can find to display flaunt superiority over the dimwit. He cannot grapple with the subjects to their ultimate conclusion, only serving to cultivate "smart" identity.

The midwit lives assuming he knows more and knows better than all around him. This hubris is his ultimate failing, leaves him dumber than the dimwit, for when confronted with that which he can learn from, recognizing the opporuntunity, he, you may be surprised!, reels in pain.

. "HOW can I not understand this?" the midwit screeches. "YOU! are pretentious! THIS, does not make sense. Impossible! It is GIBBERISH!" The topwit sagaciously explains further, but to no avail. Midwit is crying now. But Dimwit? He follows his heart, and so stands with Topwit.

The midwit cannot comprehend. He can't even see the difference between dimwit and topwit, blinded by his tears. He thinks they are both idiots, and from his encounter is convinced further of his intellectual superiority.

. "The topwit may sound smart, but he does not make sense," midwit tells himself, rubbing the tears from his eyes. "And dimwit listens to him, and he is a fool, and therefore, he is being fooled. Yes, being fooled by topwit. A grifter, of course! No one is smart, no one but me."

Midwit's middling intellectualism forces him to suffer great insecurity. Just smart enough to feel superior, not smart enough to be wise. He finds himself trapped in intellectual ditch, immobile defense from both sides by twin assumptions: stupidity, pseudo-intellectualism.

In contrast, the dimwit, who suffers from little intellectual insecurity, innocently relies on his gut intuition, and on the heuristic knowledge of his family and culture. Living uncritically, he suffers none of the pain the midwit self-inflicts through a misguided criticism.

The topwit, too, lives happily. His intelligence is distant enough from the median that he is beyond relying on innate superiority alone to give him his confidence in it, allowing it to be unhampered by petty social concerns and emotional insecurities.

For the topwit, intellectualism is a pasttime, perhaps even an obsession. It's not a mere social image, as the midwit. The topwit cherishes the opportunity to learn from those with more knowledge, rather than scorns it. The topwit recognizes wisdom, too, blind to the midwit.

The topwit recognizes what the dimwit knows, that true knowledge will never be captured by the individual, a complete system will never be designed. That knowledge will at best be fuzzy, found in heuristics and intuition, best in the realm of wisdom.

It is no coincidence that the conclusions of the topwit often align with the assumptions of the dimwit, what the midwit so confidently rejects. The dimwit is a vector of collective knowledge, and it takes topwit intelligence to reconstruct that. I shall now list examples.

Dimwit: tradition good because it’s what I know Midwit: tradition bad because it has no purpose Topwit: tradition good, but its purpose is beyond individual understanding

Dimwit: science irrelevant Midwit: science is right Topwit: science is wrong and irrelevant

Dimwit: faith in religion Midwit: rationalized rejection of religion Topwit: rationalized faith in religion

Dimwit: does not try and sometimes succeeds Midwit: tries and always fails Topwit: does not try and succeeds

Dimwit: rhetoric Midwit: rational debate Topwit: rhetorical debate

Dimwit: family comes first Midwit: all humans one family Topwit: I against my brother, I and my brother against my cousins, I and my cousins against the world

Dimwit: imperial system good bc i was raised on it Midwit: metric system good bc its objective Topwit: imperial system good bc its anthropocentric, let’s raise the dimwits on it

Dimwit: never learned proper manners Midwit: manners are a waste of time and inefficient traditional baggage Topwit: good manners are the lubricant of socialization

Dimwit: I can’t understand because I’m dumb Midwit: I can’t understand because YOURE dumb Topwit: I can’t understand because you’re smart

Dimwit: unintentional eugenics Midwit: unintentional dysgenics Topwit: intentional eugenics

Dimwit: ignorance is happiness Midwit: knowledge is bitterness Topwit: wisdom is happiness

Dimwit: poor risk assessment Midwit: risk averse Topwit: risk tolerant

Dimwit: retard Midwit: retard, larps as smart Topwit: smart, larps as retard

Dimwit: ego matches intellect (tiny:tiny) Midwit: ego does not match intellect (middling:massive) Topwit: ego matches intellect (massive:massive)

Dimwit: uninformed dimwittery Midwit: misinformed dimwittery Topwit: informed dimwittery

Dimwit: no taste Midwit: taste forms public identity Topwit: private taste

Dimwit: instinct Midwit: rationale Topwit: intuition


Decimal Numogram


Pandemonium is the complete system of Lemurian demonism and time sorcery. It consists of two principal components: Numogram (time-map) and Matrix (listing the names, numbers and attributes of the demons).

The system is constructed according to immanent criteria latent in decimal numeracy, and involves only basic arithmetical operations (assembled from additions and subtractions).

The Numogram, or Decimal Labyrinth, is composed of ten zones (numbered 0-9) and their interconnections. These zones are grouped into five pairs (syzygies) by nine-sum twinning [zygonovism]. The arithmetical difference of each syzygy defines a current (or connection to a tractor zone). Currents constitute the primary flows of the numogram.

Each zone number when digitally cumulated defines the value of a gate, whose reduction sets the course of a corresponding channel. Channels constitute the secondary flows, time-holes, or secret interconnections of the numogram.

The arrangement of currents divides the Maze into three basic time-systems. Firstly, the currents of the three central syzygies mutually compose a cycle, rotating in anticlockwise steps. Lemurian sorcery calls this inner loop the Time-Circuit. Secondly, and thirdly, in both the Upper and the Lower syzygies the currents produced fold back into (a half of) themselves, constituting autonomous loops: the Warp (upper), and Plex (lower). Warp and Plex circuitries are of an intrinsically cryptic nature, which is compounded by the enigmas of their interconnection. They are variously considered to be Outside- or Outer-time.

The gates and their channels knit the Maze together, providing connections between otherwise incompatible time-systems. They open and close the ways of sorcerous traffic. Although each gate deranges time in its own way, their operations vary with a certain regional consistency.

1. Numogram and Otz Chaiim.

To those familiar with the Western Magical Tradition, it is likely that the Numogram will initially evoke the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. Both are constructed as decimal diagrams, involving webs of connectivity between ten basic zones, mysteriously twisted into a cryptic ultra-cycle (that links upper and lower regions). Both treat names as numbers, and numerize by digital reduction and cumulation. Both include passages across abysmal waters and through infernal regions. Both map zones onto spinal levels.

Despite these manifold interlinkages, there are compelling reasons to consider the Tree of Life a scrambled variant of the Numogram, rather than a parallel system. During its long passage through Atlantean and post-Atlantean hermetic traditions the systematic distortions of the Numogram (introduced to confuse the uninitiated) gradually hardened into erroneous doctrines, and a dogmatic image of the Tree.

Most evidently, a vulgar distribution of the numbers - in their exoteric counting-order - was substituted (redundantly) for the now esoteric numogrammatical distribution, which proceeds in accordance with immanent criteria (the web emerging qabbalisitically from the zone-numbers themselves). More devastatingly, the orginal consistency of numeracy and language seems to have been fractured at an early stage, introducing a division between the number of the Sephiroth (10) and that of the Hebrew alphabet (22). The result was a break between the nodes of the tree and the interconnecting paths, ruining all prospect of decipherment. The Sephiroth -segmented over-aganist their connections - become static and structural, whilst the paths lose any rigorous principle of allocation. A strictly analogous outcome is evident in the segmentation of the Tarot into Major and Minor Arcana. Increasingly desperate, arbitrary, and mystifying attempts to re-unite the numbers and their linkages seems to have bedevilled all succeeding occult traditions.

2. Numogram and I Ching.

There is considerable evidence, both immanent and historical, that the chinese I Ching and the Nma numogram share a hypercultural matrix. Both are associated with intricate zygonomies, or double-numbering systems, and process abstract problematics involving subdivisions of decimal arrays (as suggested by the Ten Wings of traditional I Ching commentary). Digital reduction of binary powers stabilizes in a six-step cycle (with the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5). These steps correspond to the lines of the hexagram, and to the time-circuit zones of the Numogram, producing a binodecimal 6-Cycle (which is also
generated in reverse by quintuplicative numbering). In both cases a supplementary rule of pairing is followed, according to a zygonovic criterion (9-twinning of reduced values: 8:1, 7:2, 5:4, mapping the hexagram line pairs).

The numogram time-circuit, or I Ching hexagam, implictly associates zero with the set of excluded triadic values. It is intriguing in this respect that numerous indications point to an early struggle between triadic and binary numbering practices in ancient chinese culture, suggesting that the binary domination of decimal numeracy systematically produces a triadic residue consistent with nullity. The hexagram itself exhibits obvious tension in this respect, since it reinserts a triadic hyperfactor into the reduced binodigital set (compounded by its summation to twenty-seven, or the third power of three).

An ancient binotriadic parallel to the I Ching, called the T'ai Hsuan Ching (or Book of the Great Dark) consisted of eighty-one tetragrams, reversing the relation of foregrounded and implicit numerical values. The division of Lao Tse's Tao Te Ching into eighty-one sections suggests that this numerical conflict was an animating factor in the early history of Taoism.

3. Ethnography of the Nma.

Nma culture cannot be decoded without the key provided by the Lemurian Time-Maze. The influence of a hyper triadic criterion of time is evident in the relics of Nma kinship organization, calendrics, and associated rituals. Prior to the calamity of 1883, the Nma consisted of true tribes (tripartite macrosocial divisions). They were distributed in a basic tridentity (interlocking large-scale groupings into Tak- Mu- and Dib-Nma), supported by a triangular patrilocal marriage-cycle. Each marriage identified a woman with a numogram current, or time-passage. (Tak-Nma women marrying into the Mu-Nma, Mu-Nma ditto Dib-Nma, Dib-Nma ditto Tak-Nma). The common calendar of all three tribes was based upon a zygotriadic system (using 6 digits to divide a double-year period of 729 days into fractional powers of three). The Mu-Nma still employ such a calendar today. (The current Mu-Nma calendar is adjusted by regular intercalations of three additional days every second cycle, or four years. The earlier practice of intercalations is not easily recoverable).

In the rituals of the Nma the time-circuit is concretized as a hydro-cycle: a division and recombination of the waters. The three stages of this recurrent transmutation are, 1) the undivided waters (oceanic), 2) cloud-building (evaporation), and 3) down-pour (precipitation, river-flow). These are associated with the great sea-beast (Mur Mur), the lurker of steaming swamps (Oddubb), and that which hunts amongst the raging storms (Katak). The cycle is closed by a return to the abysmal waters, intrinsically linking the order of time, and its recurrence, to an ultimate cataclysm (prior to any opposition of cyclic and apocalyptic time). It is in this context that the transcultural deluge-mythos can be restored to its aboriginal sense (which also corresponds to the Hindu Trimurti, with its three stages of creation, preservation and destruction).

Soul, Love, Sexual Energy

Humanity is in a transition of moving from fear-based co-dependent relationships to Divine soul unions. In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, the sexual energies manifest as incoherent electromagnetic energy. Any wounds and emotional armoring within our multidimensional body system inhibit the pure harmonic of sexual energy.

At this level, the sexual relationship maintains some levels of self-interest, motivation, feelings of comfort and self-balance, self-definition, and conditional expectations in relationship. This has been the level of human egoic consciousness that has formed a relationship template of sexual attraction, romance, and feelings of falling in love. These feelings are the denser levels of electromagnetic charge between an attraction of wounded persons with constricted chakra energy. The similar wounds and compensation of the chakras attract. This becomes the typical co-dependent relationship where mutual self-serving maintains a tenuous balance of wounded energies. All types of addictions and conditions are maintained in order to avoid genuine feelings of unresolved emotion.

As humanity shifts to a higher frequency of consciousness, we are awakening to our true Divine soul love in relationship and sacred union—an unconditional love which unites from the heart and the infinite spirit. This emanation of love is a Divine awareness through the sacred heart energy that informs the mental body, emotional body, and the sexual energies through the physical body. It is a soul-to-soul unity that in its purest expression in incarnate form is a soul-body to soul-body unity. We are awakening to the true heart and soul intimacy of human sacred union.

Divine Sexual Energy

The resonance of attraction of Divine sexual energy is a totally different frequency. It is a Divine soul energetic where the sexual energies are purely harmonic and soft—a highly powerful frequency, but without the charge of the denser egoic sexual energies. When the energies are of harmony, unity, and self-giving tenderness, Divine love emanates within the physical sexual energies. For most souls incarnate on Earth, this feeling through the sexual energies is not experienced, although many can remember the feeling of purity from prior soul history and times incarnate in other dimensions. In order for this experience of harmony, all inharmonic frequencies must be cleared from the mental, emotional, and physical body.

As we transform to a humanity where the Divine soul is unified with the mind and physical body, the purity of sexual union will return. This is a Divine soul that loves the soul and body as one, without the self-interest of the ego’s need to seek something that it perceives as incomplete in itself. Within the Divine soul in the spirit, there is unconditional love. It is a love that loves within one whole heart, mind, soul, and being. It is an infinite and eternal love in the depths and heights of the Divine. This love can manifest through the human sexual energies. May we be open to our healing and transformation, and bring this Divine love to human relationships in sacred union on Earth.

Healing all Armoring to Reveal Divine Love Expressed within Sexual Energy

In order to emanate the trust and intimacy to express the purity of Divine love in sexual union beyond all fear, we must heal, clear, and release all imprints and wounds embedded in the etheric body in conjunction with the emotional and mental body. The imprints/wounds are conditioned from ancestral templates, intergenerational transmission, soul history, and childhood conditioning. All of the fear-based resonances inhibit the full experience of the Divine soul in the body-mind. They form armoring and restrictions in the mind and tension within the energy centers and physical body which inhibits the free harmonic infinite flow of the sexual energies in the purity, softness, tenderness, and dynamism of Divine love. May we heal and release all fear-based restrictions in the body-mind to enable our Divine soul embodied to experience and express infinite eternal love within the physical sexual energies of our incarnate life on Earth.


In our new Divine mystical paradigm, the overall purpose for the creation of souls and incarnate experience is to connect a soul-to-soul back into God within the human experience on Earth. In this way, God reflects through creation the same dynamic unity of mutual self-giving/receiving love that is within the Divine. The mission of incarnating is more about shared experience than the flight of the alone to the alone in God. While we awaken, heal, and transform to a unity with all, the soul’s deepest joy is to share the soul journey in pure harmony specifically with another soul, and more overall as an expression of love and unity with all souls.

Love is freedom, and the intention of freedom for all souls. Love delights in Divine being and its goodness. It delights in the goodness of another soul as Divine. Love is the essence of everything and appreciates the uniqueness of each aspect of creation.

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    Original Buddhism

    “What is the one benefit, Master Gotama, which you exist for? The one thing that the Tathagata exists for is the fruit and emancipation by illumination.”
    "Followers, this body is to be seen as it really is, it is merely (the product of) past karma (i.e. the body/5-aggregates cannot be purified)."
    “The Aryan Eightfold Path is the path leading to immortality” ]
    "The Tathagata, the Buddha, is a designation for (means) 'become-Brahman'."[DN 2.84]
    "The well-centered mind/will (citta) is the path for attainment of Brahman."
    “This is immortality, that being the liberated mind/will (citta) which does not cling (after anything)”
    “This said: ‘the liberated mind/will (citta) which does not cling’ means Nibbana”
    "Steadfast-in-the-Soul (thitattoti)
    “Your mind/will (citta) is supremely emancipated, like the full moon on the fifteenth day in dark of night!”
    The single most philosophically important passage in all buddhist doctrine:
    “Whatever form, feelings, perceptions, experiences, or consciousness there is (the five aggregates), these he sees to be without permanence, as suffering, as ill, as a plague, a boil, a sting, a pain, an affliction, as foreign, as otherness, as empty (suññato), as Selfless (anattato). So he turns his mind/will (citta, Non-aggregate) away from these; therein he gathers his mind/will within the realm of Immortality (amataya dhatuya). This is tranquility; this is that which is most excellent!”
    “Attained the steadfast Soul, their mind/will (citta) is calm; they’re cleansed of the entire world, taintless they have become Brahman”
    “'The purification of one’s own mind/will', this means the light (joti) within one’s mind/will (citta) is the very Soul (attano)”
    “The purification of one’s own mind/will (citta); this is the Doctrine of the Buddha”
    “How is it that one is called a ‘Buddha’?...gnosis that the mind/will (citta) is purified (visuddham)…such is how one is deemed a ‘Buddha’.”
     “A will (citta) which is based upon samadhi, attains to complete sovereignty. This is known as “samadhi of the will’.”
    “Void is this (body) of the Soul or that upon  which the Soul subsists. This (gnosis) is meant liberation of the mind/will (citta) by shunyata.”
     “'The subjugation of becoming means Nirvana'; this means the subjugation of the five aggregates means Nirvana.”

    Do you dread this word? Do you hate to hear it, and had hoped to hear another? (Perhaps, how the artificial satellite of reptoid-bearing horrors is fast approaching, how giant natural andlor manmade cataclysms are soon to shake and change the shape of our map forever? hmmm?) The depth of youi aversion may therefore be taken as a fairy accurate measure of the extent to which you've been "programed" (or deprogramed, as the case may be) to accept everything but the intimate truth of what's really been going on all along. Ask yourself why this gentle information ought to bother you so tembly ...Why is it so much easier to accept the idea that help and knowledge and love and salvation are somehow coming hm "elsewhere", fiom a safely (?) removed dimension? Is it because the apparent distance implied in the constitutional "difference" between you and a spacebeing or you and a channeled source, imparts a comforting kind of beer? as if it were an operative fact that, coming fiom Elsewhere ''they" just stick their heads into this plane long enough to impersonally impart some information (that we may grab and drag to a private comer in the manner of a mutt worrying its bone) and then withdraw so as not to bother us further, like a visiting neighbor we can tolerate for an afternoon as long as he brings the schnapps?

    Are you that sold on the dream of "egalitarianism" that you will only tolerate total inequality in the political, social and economic arenas but reserve as your last bastion (in defense of your sovereign purchase on the plan) the indeterminable equivalence of everything and everyone in the zones of spmtwl, philosophical and metaphysic acumen? Do you hold out as final defense of your "inalienable right7', the right to remain on an objective par with anyone packing a reproductive organ (by the insistent reduction of all reality-interpretation, submitted no matter hm whom, to the status of "opinion7') so that you may secretly affirm your impregnable superiority on the subjective side?

    . .

    Then ask yourself how you'd treat the same precious pearl of egalitammsm, were you to approach a professor of the higher calculus with a little knowledge of long division under your belt..Would you insist his mastery of the calculus was just an "opinion", on equal footing with your finger-counting? If despite yourself you recognized his superior knowledge, would you seek to extract it by keeping up the bluff in his very face that such knowledge in no way made you different (as if you could be a rocket scientist just as easily as he), but that you'd be happy to "share" your respective accomplishments between you? Are you that conditioned to saving Eace owing to your actual uncertainty, you'd insist you have a sculpture very much like that of Mount Rushmore at home on your livingroom mantie? Who gave you this compulsive orientation. Do you know?

    Yes, we can find within that "motivation' toward arbitrary, autonomous self-authority both honorable and dishonorable components, both ktoors justified by the psychological facts of existence and not-so justified. One has a justifiable wish not to be exploited in the real vulnerability and contingency of one's "not knowing" (a chronic condition of not-knowing that, regardless every learned assertion of certitude, swamps fbm all bewildering sides of existence with the inexorability of sleep). One has an earnest desire that this wonisome state of existential ignmce clinging despite every daylight denial, not sene as treacherous occasion for the displacement of one's potential power in trust of "another", pretending to have one's best interests at heart and a superior grasp of the secrets of life while sumptitiously claiming advantage through just such trusting submission. To the end of seaming these justifiable concerns, however, the soul seals itself in the premature hermeticism of the "culturaUy approved", first impressed as psychic Monitor in introjection of the parental superego (a remis aufieud) and personified thereafter by social authority of every kind. One either emulates the sovereignty of that authority in identification with its peremptory stature, or submits to it uncritically for the implicit approbation it awards. In either case, one has fatally swapped one's personal plague of ignorance for a crown of False Knowledge.

    One submits at an early age (therefore an age very vulnerable in in even of simple mechanical forms of "not knowing") to the cult of enculturation; and, feeling the internal betrayal ever after in refractory persistence of that nervoucs contingency before life's imponderables, one learns to protest all the louder against anything which curls into a questionmark so as to lay the wound of doubt in the well-armored side.

    Thus in a very real sense "you" are your government before ever the government gets its its indoctrinating hooks more deeply embedded; for one always invites that reactive conditioning by one's enculturated readiness to accept all the pseudo-answers of society-any society, actually. We have said above that people anoint themselves,from childhood, with the Crown of False Knowledge all-too-readily conferred by the mossback social norm. With a little itspection, isn't it self-evidently a crown of False Knowledge? Doesn't it secure your bluff sovereignty and fake insularity from the existential uncertainty of being, with a "knowledge" borrowing all its strength against the condition of uncritical acceptance? Isn't this what makes it in fact so vexingly fragile despite all its counsel poured into the porch of your children's ear? so that indeed its "unimpeachability" has to be patrolled and enforced, and you must shout its indubitability into the wind? Isn't it self-evidently a Crown of False Knowledge since all the "answers" of its allowable identification patterns fall woefully short of accounting for, or even addressing, the authentic questions-of-being?-or questions generated by the very fact of your apparently contingent existence?

    One of the most interesting and enlightening during the 1990's is the Flower of Life Seminar paradigms that have surfaced

    as taught by a wonderful man Drunvalo Uelchizedek.

    In the paradigm, Drunvalo reviews the whole science of sacred geanetry as it relates to creation, manifestation of dimensional reality systems and life itself. An innmetable number of people have benefited from the seminar, where Drunvalo teaches about the geanetry of the fields that surround the hunan body and haw to move those fields to create a light-based rotational field called the Clerkaba (also spelled Uerkabah). The term Wrkaba is also found in many other texts around the world, including Hurtak's Keys of Enoch; it is not presented in Drunvalo's seminars as a belief system, but as a potential way of utilizing emotion and love as a means to ascension, which is defined as moving through dimensional changes while still occupying the body, as opposed to the concept of resurrection, which is going through the process of physical death and re-ernergence on another dimensional level.

    Drunvalo addresses the changes that have occurred within levels of conscious development during man's history, the involvement of off-world species in the developnent (and fall) of the human condition, and many more subject areas that are of keen interest in the turbulent society of the 1990's. The question of what is going on within other unseen levels and the final disposition of the human species is addressed in a way that provides a paradign of thought within which to consider what is happening all around us.

    The science and practice of using light fields based on enation and love is taught on a semi-regular basis by Drunvalo in seminars around the United States, and a contact number is provided within the text if you wish to consult the schedule for his seminars. No attempt is made in this transcription to teach the exercises relative to the employment of the light fields , as the techniques are best learned through your om experience, coupled with proper instructional methodology available only fran the source.

    The geanetry of form has proven to be an accurate measure of the workings of everything in the universe; the mathematical aspects of primary fom and the resultant interrelationship with consciousness, dimensionality, frequency and wavelength consitute what is known as 'Sacred Geometry'. Within the context of the discourse, the instructional material in Sacred Geornetry is priceless, and has never been presented in this way before.


    Proper breathing is essential to the process of manifestation of the field, as it adds the energy of Prana/Chi to the process. This type of energy is also closely connected to 'spirit", and contributes toward the maintenance of the life force in organic organisms. Breathing procedures that accumulate vital energy into the human energy systems are important. Physiological transmutation of toxic substances is also proportional to the level of vital energy existing. Research seems to indicate that the hman did not always breathe in the same way as we do today, that either humans or a protohuman precursor took in vital energy through the top of the head, and conducted it downward through the pineal gland to nourish the rest of the body. The "male/electrical' aspect of pram was taken in through the head and the "female/magnetic' aspect was taken in through the base of the spine, and the aspects met in one of the chakra areas.

    About 13,000 years ago, hmns started absorbing the vital force in the air that was breathed, instead of taking it in through the other systems. This change could be said to be analogous to the 'bib1 ical fall of man', and was no doubt a forced change that was made to human physiology to keep humans enslaved into the body-oriented system; it contributes to a state of polarity-consciousness in hunans, where things are seen in tenus of "good' and 'bad'; this fact is taken advantage of during the continuing process of enculturation in hman society. This effectively blinds most humans to the perception of the consciousness of the Creator with everything and everyone. Brain states and resulting social manifestations of consciousness are detailed in Matrix 111. The progression of events in the evolving hmm is that dualities are perceived, dualities are then seen in everything, and then the unity of everything is perceived, essentially disrupting the initial dualism. There is a recognition that there is a deep aspect of consciousness in life. In body consciousness, there is the impression that 'are the body'. Later, consciousness expands and we 'live inside this body" and 'everything out there is separate f ram us', and our thoughts and feelings 'have nothing to do with what is going on out therem. Still later, one realizes that everything you think, feel and do contributes to what manifests itself 'out therem. You are creating everything - mre so than you can imagine.

    Humans are generally in a state of transition. We are about to drop this line of consciwsness and adopt a way of being that is really different fran the one we are used to,

    Much of what will initially be discussed in the following material is done so within the context of historical events, and within that context, the concepts of and relationships with sacred geometry will be brought forth.

    Mathematical Sequences

    In order for us to understand what's going on here in 1993 or what will happen in the near future, we must understand the nature of what has happened in the past. We have to understand what happened before, combined with what is happening now, to understand what will happen in the apparent future. To start, let's briefly discuss the concept of mathematical sequences.

    Plant growth uses the Fibronacci sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 ... 1. A plant will grow one leaf, and then it will grow one more, but in order to do that it simply adds what it just grew to where it is now to determine what to grow next. That's organic structure.

    Most of use are familiar with the idea of a mathematical sequence, such as l,2,3,4,5,6 ... or 2,4,6,8,16,32 ... It requires only three numbers of a series to figure out what series it belongs in (other than the logarithmic series, the mother-father of all other series). Analogous to this, the human mind has not only duality consciousness - it is canposed of three aspects. A11 apparent dualities have in reality three aspects, ie, past-present-future, mother-father -child, macrocosm-where you aremicrocosm.

    Concepts of History

    Our present day concept of history is that civilized societies began in Sumeria about 3900 BC and before that there were nothing but hairy barbarians, and that we are the end product, somehow, and that we are the greatest thing that every hit the planet. In truth, there have been civilizations on the Earth that were so far in advance of 1992, that we cannot even imagine where they were at, going back 500 million years on the Earth. The Hefferlin Manuscript, released by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, gives an example of one of those civilizations fm that time period that was situated at what is now the South Pole. Other examples abound through history.

    The Earth, in a sense, is a 'star-seed', where lifefonns have come together and produced new offspring, which have gone through stages of development and have left the planet. Humans on Earth are now in one of those stages of development. The Sirius Mystery and the Dogons

    Robert Temple's book 'The Sirius Mystery' chronicles the research into the Dogon Tribe in Africa, who maintained and demonstrated knowledge of 'the star system of Sirius, both Sirius A and Sirius B (an invisible dwarf star); this was knowledge they must have been given by someone long ago, for they had no equipment with which to make that discovery on their own. The details of the Sirius Mystery reveal what may be a long-standing relationship with the Sirian system and Earth.

    Dogon tribe knows the existence of and the orbital path of Sirius 8, as well as the orbital relationship between Sirius A and Sirius B.

    Miya Docs


    Eschatologies: Endtime Notations




    Do you live today? No, you don't - you wander like a ghost. I have seldom met an intellectual who would not have admitted this in a bright hour. Only few have acted on this knowledge. They want on wandering hauntingly, thrown hither and thither, defenseless victims of an insoluble contradiction.

    Silvia, do you remember those moments, in your mortal life, when beauty still shone in your sidelong, laughing eyes, and you, light and thoughtful, leapt beyond girlhood’s limits?

    Your ideas are terrifying and your hearts are faint. Your acts of pity and cruelty are absurd, committed with no calm, as if they were irresistible. Finally, you fear blood more and more. Blood and time.

    The moment tomorrow when today turns from present to past is a miracle.

    He praised those who want to marry and do not, those who want to sail off and do not, those who want to be active in affairs of state and refrain from doing so, who want to educate children and do not, who prepare themselves to enter the services of a prince and hold off.

    Lovers who separate on the morning after spending their first night together. Man and woman in postcoital sobriety, lost in thought, summarizing experiences, clarifying expectations. The theme is not love itself but what makes it so intractable and fragile. In the morning, the old contradictions of union and separation, lust and strangeness, passion and the flow of time again become visible.

    Can I support a family like this? Your friends lean on you, and you crumble.

    Subject: Neither Sun nor Death

    Until now, all technology has been a counter-nature because it has applied principles that do not seem to exist as such in nature, such as, for example, the cut of the straight knife blade, the pure rotation of the wheel, the ballistic path of an arrow that flies from the bow, the craft of knots, and so on. For millennia, technology was allotechnology, that is to say a mechanics built upon anti-natural functions and abstract geometries. From the first glance, we can see the allotechnical machines are constructs and not the fruits of plants. This is reflected in the technological aversion of innumerable individuals. Today is the first time that the threshold has been reached at which technology begins to become a technology akin to nature–a homeotechnology instead of an allotechnology.

    This form of technology does not so much break with the modus operandi of nature, but ties onto it, smuggles itself into the indigenous production of living beings, which are set in motion on the basis of a long-term, proven pattern of evolutionary success. Here begins a new form of of cooperation and symbiosis with old nature, a process which, in its own way, is just as uncanny as the old technics. However, the new epi-natures of the second technics will be completely different to the counter-natures of the first technics.

    Perhaps that which I call homeotechnology is nothing other than what was dreamed up in the Cabbala, in anticipation. The latter famously represents an attempt to discover and emulate the scriptural procedures of god. The Cabbalists were the first ones to understand that god was no humanist but instead an information technologist. He writes not texts but codes. Whoever could write like god would give meaning to the concept of writing that no human writer had hitherto understood. Geneticists and information technologists already have a different type of writing. In this sense, too, a post-humanistic era has begun.

    We know that the deeper we go, the more we find mechanical elements situated at the geographical heart of what might be thought to be intrinsically spiritual and subjective. The upshot of this is that humanity is entering an era in which, in a wholly supra-personal fashion, its heart will be torn from the flesh, insofar as it insists on holding onto old, and manifestly untenable, metaphysically coded distinctions. Bringing into daylight the mechanical element in that which seemingly constitutes the central domain of the subjective will affect practically everything that appeared or had wanted to appear intangible: the relation to the child, the relation to the animal, the relation to one’s own body, including one’s ova and one’s gametes, the relation to erotic experience, the relation to feelings and subjective situations, the relation to language, and, in finishing, the relation to the absolute, which is given to us in those apparently unavailable limit-events that are birth and death.

    The future era will be climate-technical, and as such technologically oriented. It will be increasingly seen that societies are artificial from the ground up. The air that, together and separately, we breathe can no longer be presupposed. Everything must be produced technically, the metaphorical atmosphere as much as the physical atmosphere. Politics will become a department of climate techniques.

    Today it appears necessary to invert the relationship between the soil and that which is placed upon it. We ought not to justify, but instead to form, to link up, and to let sail. Intensifications replace acts of founding. Indeed, it remains to be shown that cultures as a whole blow about in the air and should not be grasped from the viewpoint of their so-called fundaments. Cultures are atmospheric systems. For them, what are decisive are symbolical processes and moods. The primary product is the foundation of a domestic climate, itself more elementary than the production of food. The atmospheric constitution of culture is the properly ‘fundamental’ element–obviously an absurd expression, it is not in its place except insofar as we are accustomed to use it to designate the prius, that which makes us possible in a primary way.

    The great forms live from the fact that they can extract, from an imaginary store, experiential modes of little spheres and transfer them–when this type of transfer of familiarity fails, which is, for example, the case with the present-day construction of Europe, the large structure remains under-animated and its inhabitants experience it as an irreality or a moloch. The mystery of great politics lies, in a certain sense, in processes of permanent transcoding from the small to the large, from the concrete to the abstract–we could also say: it is permanent format stress. It rests on the construction of a sustainable illusion, that of imaginary communities born of the utilization of familial, intimate codes to the benefit of non-intimate, non-familial ones.

    The truth, rather than life, is fundamentally and overreaction, an expedition into the disproportionate, and an orgy of self-will. Humans are the animals par excellence of overreaction. Making art means overreacting, thinking means overreacting, getting married means overreacting. All the decisively human capabilities are exaggerations. Walking upright itself was already a hyperbole that could never be totally compensated for with biological advantages. From the outset, there is a trait driving toward madness, into the excessive.

    I am no idealist, even less of a cynic, at least not ad hoc. I avoid both traps by means of a simple reflection. I define a philosopher as someone who is defenseless in front of great contexts. This is enough to supplant idealism entirely. It seems to me that avowed idealists, neo-Platonists or thinkers of a laboriously holistic type, all succumb to the same illusion, namely that they actually have to add a supplement of personal excitement or good will to the problems that bring them to reflect. This illusion, or, more exactly, this great air of thinking, appears strange to me; I do not really have any means by which to understand it. I tend rather toward the idea that humans are beings, which, as soon as they start to think, have to endure a situation of being taken hostage by great themes. As soon as our minds have been opened, we learn that we have become hostages of problems, which carry us off somewhere.

    The present-day problems that have kidnapped and carried us off are very broad, intrusive, daunting and complex. As it happens, the stakes involve extracting people from the reduced structure of desires and fantasies, from their regionally and nationally constituted identities–whether they like it or not. The psychic forms of the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie in the industrialized world are in the process of being reformatted. We are being remodeled, are moving from the horizon of a humanistic and nationalistic world to an ecological and global horizon. We are caught up in educational processes that enmesh us in the synchronous world of capital, in the global circulation of commodities and information that is to say in what is referred to as the global economy. If we seek forms of thought and behavior that, in the current global world, assist us in attaining a faculty of navigation, this is not because we are idealists, but because we want to become realists.

    In the ancient competition of ideas, the Stoics launched training programs for soul forms, aimed at being suitable for and resilient to the new ecumenical and imperial horizon. We must not forget the fact that ancient philosophy was a mental work-out…In this work-out, logical forms served as exercise machines. Today we see that social evolution is exacting a new and significant formatting of this from us–a new effort to acquire the ability to navigate, with all possible coexistent forces, in a great globalized space. Philosophy today is a super-workout for communicative energies capable of finding points of contact throughout the entire world. This entails a pragmatic program so exacting that I see no use in it for any idealism.

    According to Yan Jun, the most psychedelic moment in Taipei happened during a high-frequency noise show, when Huang Dawang (Black Wolf) began peeling garlic in the audience.

    We’d record at Chieh Hsu’s triplex in the Xinyi district. I still remember “The Session”, when Tilak and all of the Arsonists came to the studio. I was about 20 at the time, walking into the concrete room and seeing the whole scene right there. It didn’t help that we’d all had ketamine earlier that night. [Laughs]. But inside it was a different world, something new completely. The same day Slah helped me with my technique was when Tilak showed up with the 00 capsules. Normally we’d just smoke salvia, or Chieh would bring out some “iox”, which I actually tried once. Darker hints came when everyone started with the hexane and halothane. Ryuhei deskinnabalized himself one night after taking Regretamine. That same night I remember being in a taxi and seeing Avison’s penis. We’d just left The Slot and all smoked sherms and then he pulls this huge thing out in the dark, phosphorescent light, and he just kept chuckling. It must have been at least thirteen inches and still flaccid. Something about that changed things, the whole scene died pretty quickly soon after. Taiwan passed its Cultural and Creative Industries Act and everything shut down. It’s all a blur to me now…just a flash of images: Ryuhei’s dead body, Avison’s penis, acetylene torches. I can’t help but think that we were onto something, all those talks about “dancefloor functionalism” and “realms of concealment”, but it decayed completely, nothing ever came of it. We were arrogant, and barely conscious of the much deeper past that lay all around.

    - Goonism
    - E-Kane
    - Electromagnet
    - Shato-wood



    The process of engaging in a hyperforum involves the user (hereafter, “hyperion”) eliminating his ego-identity and entering a trance state that has been described as a “digital fever-dream” and when “what you post comes from somewhere other than yourself.” Until he can achieve the desired trance-state he is unable to be drawn in to the simulation-stream and it appears as incomprehensible, schizophrenic chaos-language. What the hyperions are in fact performing is an embodiment of a daemon in a distributed multitask computing process, similarly resulting in their independent chaos occasionally acheiving spontaneous unplanned organization of highly complex structures - what the hyperions call “actions.”

    These actions are the product of spontaneous self-organization and take many forms, the most common being sudden narrative organization of a collectively generated fiction that takes the position of a guiding myth in the community. More infamous actions result in group departures of the microcosm in raids on other communities, or mass self-induced delusion as a kind of self-deprecating humor. Other actions result in the coining of neologisms and cultural codes that work to further isolate and purify the community into its own inherently discreet microcosm, to more advanced forms of meaning-generation often in encoded numerology or symbolism. While actions are considered to describe all major and remembered acts of spontaneous organization, those that leave a marked influence on the community, stratifying its inherent structure in effecting all behavior post-action, there are infinite miniature organizations of every degree -any two independent users interacting in any way that can be interpreted as non-random is a form of self-organization; actions are only those most massively meaningful. There are however, rumors of hyperreal manifestations - that which escape techno boundaries and stratify the real world.

    These formations are not simply organizational but also descriptory - really, the illuminatory. They are illuminating the inherent archetypal commonalities shared - and grown - within the simulated micro-community, that which normally exists above beyond them except when a flash of their image can be known during an “action” - it quite literally a kind of divination. When hyperions lose themselves in their fever-dream ritual of rapid-pace, superlingual communication they are communing with a higher form: the collective’s assimilated thoughtmatrix. This necessarily grows out of what’s brought in from all present hyperions claiming tenancy of each independent hyperforum instance and their isolated, shared inherency, the fundamental eternals by each demographically-unique community which is then grown and twisted over its ultra-accelerated cultural evolution and historical accumulation.

    While the knowledge that systems of horizontally decentralized independent actors will spontaneously self-organize into highly complex structures (to eliminate inequilibriums in their system) has been a known principle for some time and recognized in organic, material and digital contexts, the radically advanced results we’re seeing from self-organization in hyperspace is due to four factors: (1) the high info-density and variable-complexity of human actors; (2) the anonymous ego-elimination guiding human actors into a true independent actor role; (3) the extremely fast rate of cultural development relative to organic history; (4) the fractalized picto-linguistics isolating each to a discreet microcosm. The obvious implication is that these are simplistic systems containing complex actors and dense pseudomorphic histories, digitally accelerated, resulting in frequent ultra-complex organization, but more intensive is that the controlled distortion of the system performed through willed adjustment to their own simulated thoughtspheres and selective introductions of inefficiencies into their closed system is not only possible, but relatively accessible, allowing hyperforums to coax their own self-organization towards partially planned forms. While early hyperforum activity existed as a kind of sport, users innocently entertained by the visionary results of their spontaneity games, the greater hypersphere has entered what I would consider their late-stage: collective, willed designs of their own pseudomorphic foundations towards the goal of achieving increasingly elaborate and advanced “ultra-actions,” with varying motivations.

    Where these ultra-actions are taking these hyperforum communities, no one can know but the increasingly complex structures they are enabling have convinced many of their imperative importance of various explanations. What was initially a novel pastime has taken on a faithful vitality strongly defended by its adherents though by no means from an agreed upon foundation. The four imperative-leaning ideologies are: (1) performance of a distributed artificial intelligence as a mass human-machine; (2) divination with eternal deities who have eternal Truths hidden in the collective consciousness to be re-discovered; (3) calling to achieve the final stage of humanity’s evolutionary purpose, the spontaneous organization of a God-AI; (4) Janitorial necessity tending to the fabric of contemporary existence by influence over world events. While mainstream theorists would deny that anything hyperreal - let alone supernatural - is at work here, the community’s old paradigm [that the second law of thermodynamics and that the spontaneous self-organization it produces is THE ruling principle organizing all organic and inorganic material in the universe and that the extremity of their actions are simply the product of their accelerated microcosms] has increasingly been shown to be inadequate in explaining the “real world” manifestations that have come to occur now that hyperforum communities have become relatively sophisticated in controlled changes to their environments. Of course, traditionally unexplainable phenomena resulting from especially catalyzed actions had been ever-present in the community, but until it began to be predictably produced, it was largely dismissed as hyperstitional rumor farming by the non-conspirational (given the post-fractal-collapsed, picto-linguistically isolated nature of the community, the possibility of such bourgeois concerns as a standard of evidence are made impossible).


    To be written...


    While the quantum origin hypothesis is a technically promising explanation, it is a known fact that the communities that have most successfully demonstrated control have operated under supernatural, occult assumptions. By embracing ancient Truths - of many differing orders, from paganistic rune formations to kabbalist numerology - the cybershamanists have all come to find invocation power outmatching other communities and alone can attest to a somewhat predictable control of the manifestation of complex forms. Quantumnals would argue it’s only because their shared foundation in spiritual delusion allows their intuited edits to the collective beliefmatrix achieve universality reliably, but it is no coincidence the form parallels so closely past ritualism. It is nothing short of a rediscovery of eternal Truths derived just the same in ancient times. The effectiveness of the occult psuedotruths invoked by the shamanists prove they are supercedent cybertruths, the only that have yet been discovered. What is being re-discovered are fundamental, transcendent organizing principles that can be used as guideposts to guide the chaotic simulation-streams.

    Profile Pictures Gallery

    2. The troubled soldiers reported cryptic symptoms:
    "meanwhile space and space of me. . .seethingly that itches me. . .continually we writhe and blister"
    "ocelli. . .infinite pullulation of ocelli. . .I give myself up to the ocelli. . .to the infinitesimal tearings, to the spiraling. . .I fold to the thousand folds that fold and unfold me. . .traitors, they giddy me unravel me. . ." and perhaps most bizarrely "in a high space beneath my open forehead. . .suddenly. . .I see. . .rising in tiers. . .rising in tiers. . .in tiers to the infinite. . .at angles. . .at angles. . .at angles. . .enormous, gigantic flamboyant. . .gothic monuments. . .streaming, exasperated, possessed. . .acceleratingly. . .with gothic leaps and bounds. . .with gothic chromatics. . .with gothic ballistics. . .jet-gothic."1

    3. After this particular examination, health warnings were immediately issued to all Huey pilots.

    1. Meanwhile, up river, at the bass of the spine, ko::labs bring the noise; "Noise is both battle and racket. . .Noise is a weapon that, at times, dispenses with weapons. To take up space, to take the place, that is the whole point. . .and noise occupies space faster than weapons can."2

    2. "When I read the definition, something like 'the twisting, rotary force, especially within a machine', I was like, that's what we do."3

    3. Torque is any force or system of forces that causes or tends to cause rotation, a twisting effort applied to a object, body or limb that tends to make the object turn about its axis of rotation. The magnitude of a torque is equal to the magnitude of the applied force multiplied by the distance between the object's axis of rotation and the point where the force is applied. In many ways, torque is the rotational analogue to force. Just as a force applied to an object tends to change the linear rate of motion of the object, a torque applied to an object tends to change the object's rate of rotational motion.

    1. The angular momentum of breakbeat culture provides a sonic simulation of hyperurban meltdown. Not an analogy but a cartographic isomorphism opening sonic production onto a war continuum which deposits localised chaosmosis on every scale. 'Jungle's basic problem'- how to sustain rhythmic asymmetry, nurture the swerve, sustain the turbulence- 'what degree of stratification is required to get distributed?' Protracting activity against hyper-control through a becoming imperceptible. Programmed catastrophe means that the 'nomadic speed' of the extensive riot is already overexposed in a cyberfascist video capture- digitalization as stratification. From the amped-down, two-step stand-up of monoplod neuro-funk (eg. Shadow Boxing) to the turbines of no u turn, dillinja, lemon d, technical itch etc. to the elongated snake style of source direct (razors edge 5), the phase space of breakbeat warps, breaks down, solidifies and dissolves as if waiting for a geological singularity to send a new seismic wave through the submarine rhythm space of pop culture. Digital turbulence. Haptic cyberspace.

    2. Following the smallest angle of deviation with each step-step-step-sonic sun tzu- very, very dark- emerging as quantized hendrix, hydrolicks by dom & roland picks up with three cycled break-beats and gradually swells until the rhythm can dam no more and is flooded by the nightmare roar of juggernautic stares and laval bass stabs. storm kemistry.

    3. longitude zero degrees. the drowned world. London - the vortical apex at the sonic base of the planomenal transoceanic drainage slopes. Echoing signals of Kondratieff phase- 4 implosion as K-5 USA opens to K-6 China: how low can you go? "The reason why the River and the Sea are able to be king of the hundred vallleys is that they excel in taking the lower position."4

    1. Scale 1:50,000 - zoom - 1:50 - zoom - 1:1- zoom - 1: 0 - touch down 0: very, very dark, engage pattern-recognition: movement breakbeat-consistency 0023050700. full cycle. trajectory:

    29 K'AN

    49 KO.

    darkcore#destination#bass#bin#climate#tropical# cyclonic#wet#metal#topology#smooth#cable#spine# synapse#ether#tactics#swarmachinic# mission#hot#rinse#micro-delamination

    2. Tackling the counter-hydraulics of the metric with the hydraulic tao of breakbeat "Highest good is like water. Because water excels in benefiting the myriad creatures without contending with them and settles where none would like to be, it comes close to the way..."5 Heavy water is liquid metal.

    3. kemistry - "With stupefaction you witness those sporadic eruptions, thin, mad fountains, those jets of water, more jet than water, bursts primarily, punctiform excesses of forces, delirious spectacle of inner geyserization, signs of the prodigious increase in the potential of the neurons, of their sudden nervous discharges, signs of hurried releases, of micro-movements, of beginnings of movements, of 'budding movements' and of incessant micro-impulses..."6

    1. Guerrilla hydraulics provide a submarine junglist breakdown with haptic navigation. a cybernetic steering for dark waters. a fluid pragmatics in continuous variation. the surplus value of post-social cyclonic Meltdown produces subass materialist techniques: cubasic pragmatics, sonic hydraulics, kronik hydrophonics and sampladelic metallurgy.

    2. darkcore

    3. Afrofuturist- occidental implosion. drawing the skunk into cyberpunk.

    latitude- 34°N
    longitude- 118°W

    1. This is L.A.- a hardstep jungle track by Lemon.D. A high velocity West Coast gansta´style intro bifurcates amid swarming news helicopters into a dark cyclone of compressed and twisted breakbeats. Distributed in the swirl are rhythmically inserted crime reports and Roy Ayers samples from "Everybody loves the Sunshine."

    2. Sinofuturist- super-nova tzu electronic shaolin zinc infiltration of the new age carbon-analogue orient.

    Latitude- 22°N

    3. The state drifts south and the south drifts east in a sinofuturist storm - "the vast bed of the waters seamed and scarred into a thousand conflicting channels, burst suddenly into frenzied convulsion- heaving, boiling, hissing- gyrating in gigantic and innumerable vortices, and all whirling and plunging on to the eastward with a rapidity which water never elsewhere assumes, except in precipitous descents."7 downhillride- no u turn. "When you have come to grips and are strung together with the enemy, and you realise that you cannot advance, you 'soak in' and become one with enemy. You can win by applying a suitable technique while you are mutually entangled."8

    1. Big blue beats aka drippy, aquatic 'intelligent' drum&bass lies at the fringes of the most effective jungle hydraulics. For sure, fly jump-up (check Pascal's gangstadelic swarmachines on Frontline- Cut Throat, True Playaz- Vortex and the New Frontiers E.P.) and dark-step whip up more vortical activity and hoover-bass low seas viracy in the jungle break-war against the military-entertainment copyright complex (WBO).

    "Attack in an unsuspected manner, knowing his metre and modulation and the appropriate timing. Knowing the times means your ability is high, seeing right into things."9

    2. The breakbeat forms a mutating fractal coastline, a real sonic cartography mapping the diagonal which cuts between the double articulation of order and chaos, rhythm surfing between the intensity irrigation of metronomic ice and the opiated cosmic nauseous pulses of free jazz.(sonic despotism and its moving shadow) Flotation tank ambience shattered. On the plane, glass shatters dissolving specular dominance into the haptic. Dark side guidance. Grooveriding.

    3. Kem-isssssssstry - micro-delamination attacks the folding of rhythm into metricity. "It is difficult to move strong things by pushing directly, so you should injure the corners."10 phlattening beats.

    1. The channel hacking used by Dylan on Turbulence (droppin' science.) makes the DJ and the cross fader immanent to the track. Every 12'inch has a slightly different channel mix so that the rapid cross-fade punch, kicks open sonic trapdoors, you leave your head and enter one of the other ones. Simulating changes of altitude and the corresponding perturbation of sensory perception. Grey matter crust warps with the torsion. Perception is the silver surfer skipping between 4 boards in a high roller submarine rhizodrome .

    2. "For a long time turbulence was identified with disorder or noise. Today we know that this is not the case. Indeed, while turbulent motion appears as irregular or chaotic on the macroscopic scale, it is on the contrary, highly organised on the microscopic scale. The multiple space and time scales involved in turbulence correspond to the coherent behaviour of millions and millions of molecules. Viewed in this way, the transition from laminar [ie.non-turbulent or calm] flow to turbulence is a process of self-organisation."11

    3. As drum'n'bass jungle's immobile motor, the breakbeat carries key traits of self-similarity irrelevant of scale. it is as if there is an elastic tension between the metric number line and a secret encryption involving prime numbers in a cyclic discontinuity weaving around, converging and diverging. Continuous variation with nomadic numbering numbers tagging the real intensity, which on the metric plane of organisation dissipates along the military dateline of history. "Continuous multitude. Vibratory, zigzagging, in continual transformation. Lines swarm."12 But never parallel. Always an angle of declination, a line of deviation which, more than a mastery of an enslaved machine, is evidence more of the productive accidents of sonic arrangement - "The whole series of things about accidents, about bugs, about the producer being someone who can nurture a bug, who can breed a bug and simultaneously most of the key musics have been accidents, they've actually been formed through errors. They're like software errors, syntax errors in the machine's programming, and they form these sounds, and the producer's taken these sounds and more or less nurtured this error, built on this mistake, and if you grab a mistake you've got a new audio lifeform."13

    1. "don't think of breakbeat in terms of some kind of ancient technique which has been resuscitated. . . you see a lot of people saying breakbeat is the. . .return of the African drumming sound, but its the other way around. The breakbeat should be moved forward."14 it was virtually always there in the zeroid smoothness of the matrix. Rhizomorphic Black Atlantic.

    2. On the upside motion capture is a planetary irrigational skin, the carceral continuum sidewinding through grey matter, electronic writing, CAD, GIS, thermal imaging, digital sonic strata-ware - all regurgitate perturbation feeding it back into statistically classified layers. Meanwhile in Shaolin, virtual becoming dissolves into the actual, depositing breaks into code then vinyl, remapping the body for a kinaesthetic warzone as the 21st century swells the damms of the human security system- "there is a sense in which the nervous system is being reshaped and rehalted, for a new kind of sensory condition."15 Breakbeat DNA scratched into the flesh.

    3. Remote sensing malfunction. Accidental co-ordinate displacement. Unable to correct time.

    1. Sidewind out of time- positive plagiarism to the sim-jungle of Shaolin.

    2. 540 A.D. Bodidharma, Indian Buddhist priest visited China checking upon local monks who had begun the process of translating Sanskrit texts to Chinese for the contagion of the oceanic multitude. Refusing the Emperors belief that by his noble act he was opening his personal gate to Nirvana, 'Tamo' journeyed to the "young forest" (Shaolin) of Honan to consult with the monks. Dazzling them with his laser vision, he gained admittance. What he found was a funkless, clod of inert temple organically segmented. He was phased by their inability to perform the most basic of meditation practices, (these monks, they always dance to the words, he thought) The stylus descended down into the grooves. A rough ride. Disturbance in the ride ignites a current traversing conduction media, amplifying, vibrating molecules, shocking joints, sweeping anything in the way towards the plane. Down. Down.

    Technics. Shark. Amp. Bins. Air. CNS. Hardrive. Liquid mechanosphere. Metal ocean. They drained into him like water down a plug hole. Dark Metal.

    3. "We master archers say, with the upper end of the bow the archer pierces the sky, on the lower end, as though attached by a thread, hangs the earth. If the shot is loosed with a jerk there is a danger of the thread snapping. For purposeful and violent people the rift becomes final, and they are left in the awful centre between heaven and earth."

    1. Re-engineering the circuit, smoothing out the movements of the square-eyed transcribers using becoming-animal electronik chi enhancement. These techniques of Shaolin break fu functioned at first as self-defence from local gangs and predatory animals. Prey speed. Surfing the diagonal between Buddhist non-violence and an the testosteronic annihilatory discharge of captured martial potential, deploying tactics of self-defence and conflict avoidance. There is no real acceleration between kung fu catatonia and lightning. The potential for continuous variation and transformation approach pure speed, chi lubricated breakbeat limb deployment towards planes of consistency- the eight steps of the snake and crane.

    2. Shaolin is swarm catalyser, programming triad syndicated film production in Hong Kong, golden triangle poppy production, Kowloon kemical distillation and encrypted planetary distribution networks rinsing out global finance in San Franciscan Laundromats.

    3. True playa'z. "High voltage rhythmic paroxysmal outbursts. Isolated peaks. Multiple peaks. Bifid waves. Sharp waves, strings of waves of bristling appearance in the shape of comb-teeth, saw teeth. Slow waves. Slow sinusoidal, hypersynchronous outbursts."16 In anticipation of hydraulic breakage ghosts of low budget kung fu flics swarm in on ghettoblaster/mat street assemblages remixing the body rotor style.

    1.Sustaining disequilibrium. "All things entail rising and falling timing. . .From the outset you must know the applicable timing and the inapplicable timing, and from among the large and small things and the fast and slow timings find the relevant timing, first seeing the distance timing and the background timing. This is the main thing in strategy. It is especially important to know the background timing, otherwise your strategy will become uncertain. . .Many things can cause a loss of balance. One cause is danger. . . another is suprise. . .in single combat, start by making a show of being slow, then suddenly attack strongly. . .You win in battles with the timing in the Void born of the timing of cunning by knowing the enemies' timing, and thus using a timing which the enemy does not expect."17 "Asymmetry of amplitude, asymmetry of rhythm, total change of rhythm."18

    2. But "[I]t is true that the martial arts continually invoke the center of gravity and the rules for its displacement. That is because these ways are not the ultimate ones. However far they go, they are still in the domain of Being and only translate absolute movements of another nature into the common space- those effectuated in the Void, not in nothingness, but in the smooth of the void where there is no longer any goal: attacks, counterattacks, and headlong plunges."19

    3. "Everyone knows the most daring soldiers go no faster than the music. The noise, first. . .fury belongs. . .above all to the multitude, and the multitude rushes around, it covers space like a flood."20

    1. McLuhan argued that electric circuitry was Orientalising the West attacking the contained, the distinct and the separate with the flowing and the fused. But there is no real opposition between the digital and the analogue. The flatline cut through both. Pure energy. Pure speed. Pause.

    2. Perceptual neuro-kemical weaponry. Stimulants attacking organic humanoid hard-wiring: "Affects transpierce the body like arrows, they are weapons of war. The deterritorialisation velocity of affect. Even dreams...are externalised by a system of relays and plug ins, extrinsic linkages belonging to the war machine. Broken rings."21 In the oscillation between catatonic freezing and flashes and rushes: "the Japanese fighter, interminably still, who then makes a move to quick to see." When Deleuze & Guattari diagram the release of a speed vector that characterises a war machine, they are mapping traits of a poised fu assemblage "keeping still" or voyaging in place. The d-d-r-r-o-p. deep ko-ma.

    3. Taking Paul Virilio's equation of all speed with fascism would lead to lumping together shaolin wu-funk, jungle hydraulics with the freikorp stomp of Euro-terminal gabba in terms of a paranoid poliocetrics of the body, its fortressing and its seiging. But the real break is between the crypto- fascist masculine steel hard body shell with its metric hammer blows(battering out a plane of organisation) and a nomad war machine of beats so rhythmic they map the metallic ocean, that massive conduction circuit that connects the iron core at the centre of the earth, slivers of mineral deposits in the continental shelves, those vast seas of di- hydrogen(rigorously a metal) oxide, into the ferric capillaries of blood music. The plane of consistency.

    1. The breakbeat, not an interior militarized metric, is kemical attack on the organism. "It is not surprising that the plateau of continuous immanence that is drum&bass conjugates with amortal kombat in its dismantling of the organism's strata. Big up your chest, wind up your waist. Limb by limb, the WBO is mashed up; the European corpoReality principle disorganised and detrimentalised."22 Mercury rinse.

    2. For some, it is not a matter of switching from macro violence to micro violence but molecularizing further still to the art of fighting without fighting and further still, micro-engineering out of war: "Photeks interest in the Orient is different, however. The Pacific Rim allusions in `Ni Ten Ichi Ryu', `The Water Margin' and `Seven Samurai' speak more of the elaborate subtlety of Japanese tea ceremonies, the miniaturised intricacy of Bonsai, the elegant simplicity of Shodo (the art of ink writing with sparse brush strokes)."23 Yielding without resistance, actionless activity, voyaging in place, continuous imminence. Vortical poise.

    3. Afrofuturist- Jungle singularly marks the convergence between black rhythmic culture and mutant technology. Viroteknical infections of mainstream advertising. accelerating attacks on MTV programming grids with incidental hives of metallic inssectssss. intensssive sssonic cartographics for a neo-Medieval scenario, spat out the rear end of a disciplinary state megamachine complex, a process initiated by what old dead metalhead, Foucault termed the "Great confinement."

    1. "Like gangsta rap, Jungle reflects a Medieval paranoiascape of robber-barons, pirate corporations, conspiracies and covert operations,"24 and influenced by "dystopian sci-fi movies that contain subliminally anti-capitalist messages," with their "images of carceral inner cities(Escape from New York, Running Man), high-tech police death squads(Blade Runner), sentient buildings(Die Hard), urban bantustans(They Live!), Vietnam-like street wars (Colors). . .[and which] only extrapolate from actually existing trends".25

    2. Hyper-urban neo-medievalism is high rise meltdown.

    3. "A series of minorities rejecting integration, form clans, and each clan picks a neighbourhood that becomes its own center, often inaccessible. . .The clan spirit dominates also the well-to-do classes who, pursuing the myth of nature, withdraw from the city to the garden suburbs with their own shopping malls, bringing other types of micro societies into existence."26

    1. Turbulence in the Burgess model of the megalopian military-industrial-entertainment complex.

    2. The Vietnamization of territory, perpetual war in the urban jungle, gang collision warding off the state. Endo-colonisation along shifting internal frontiers. The destruction of the modern city is totally consistent with the military's need to maintain a clear field of operations, making over the earth in a form which denies cover to any resistance. Pure war.

    3. Jungle processes a future "complete with fortress cities and bandit clans. . .the pervasive sense of slippin´ into a new Dark Age, of an insidious breakdown of the social contract. . .a world that is falling apart. . .There is a cold rage seething in Jungle, but it´s expressed within the terms of an anti-capitalist yet anti-socialist politics. . .the art of being a roller, a steppa. . .(to) handle the ruff ride."27 Twisted anger. La haine cyberpositivized in special techniques. Ko::style. A.W.O.L.

    1. The smouldering slow motion riot of the megalopian jungle attacks code from all directions. The breakbeat infects the mono-plod metricity of white technosonics, while graffiti engages what Baudrillard terms a riot of signs, eternally tracked down onto new smooth spaces, asignifying codes with a secret functionality injecting compressed doses of intensity into the striations of the spectacular state, only to be countered by self-cleaning metro shells. Makin the walls move. Bass frequency. Sonic graffitti - back in amazone white man face tries to argue(militarized metric-dialectics) with bass. blissful noise of language drowning in dark metal. voices "sink away in a kind of muffled roar which one hears with only half an ear at first, and in the end one finds it no more disturbing than the distant roar of the sea, which, once one has grown accustomed to it, is no longer perceived."28

    2. "Dark is where . . .predatory energies meet digital technique, where id gets scientific."29 You don´t need enlightenment in haptic space.

    3. "Drying up, death, intrusion have rhythm. It is well known that rhythm is not meter or cadence, even irregular meter or cadence; there is nothing less rhythmic than the military march."30 There is nothing more rhythmic than a breakbeat swarm.

    1. Interminal epistemological wrangling about postmodernity seems merely a distraction when these key transitions are best tracked by a su-b-ass materialism.

    2. Machinic night-vision reports from the dark side of the Occident, mapping the interlock of desiring machines, social megamachines and war machines as technology converges with biology in computerised control societies.

    3. Planetary capital flow redistributes bringing novel mutations along the axes of East-West and North-South. "The more the world-wide axiomatic installs high industry and the highly industrialised agriculture at the periphery, provisionally reserving for the center so-called post-industrial activities (automation, electronics, information technologies, the conquest of space, overarmourment etc.), the more it installs peripheral zones of underdevelopment inside the center, internal Third Worlds, internal Souths.'31

    1. Unequal exchange- the immanence of axiomatics escalates perturbation from ripples to tidal waves of decoding and deterritorialization with the flick of the switch- capitalism implodes as perfected revolutionary overdrive.

    2. Zero sum war games deployed on the socio-scape "Crime 'war', drug 'war,' 'battle' for the family. . .wherever there is a perceived danger, there is deterrence; whenever there is deterrence, there are immanent boundaries; and wherever there are immanent boundaries, there is organised violence. For having boundaries that are actualised by being crossed is a very precarious way to run a world"32

    3. Gulf operations of the wu world order.

    1. Barbed circuit-wire jungle vines in a multi-scalar, headless, cybernetic planetary world system.

    2. So-cal becoming-minoritarian. 1992 prime time. judicial rubber stamping of video captured micro-fascism ignites urban turbulence. The anti-black counter-insurgency of "the dream city of free circulation" programmed to irrigate afro-futurist hydraulics. discard population or resort to modulation; integrate or exterminate.

    3. Ultra-real video capture dissolves nostalgia. LA Law edits Kings beatings to generate bizarre retrospective lubrications for control machinery. Digital cut ups of the video, freeze framing, stretching and looping the baton swings in order to saturate Kings black body in signs of danger, fight and flight.

    1. That episode is saturated with the solid state code of homey hunt counter hydraulics. the fear of untamed speed. Rhizomaniac pattern recogniton confuses King's vector through Lake View Terrace with the nomadic gangbangers of South Central, the focus of LAPD's deployment of low intensity warfare on the multi-ethnic field. The paranoia of population lamination processed the temporary truce between Crips and Bloods as stage 1 of a Farrakhan orchestrated take over conspiracy demanding the management of "terrorist" populations, through actual or virtual imprisonment and martial law localised to the 'hood.

    2. From discipline to control.

    3. From welfare to warfare.

    1. "The social and political fluidity of late capitalism has not been accomplished by a withering away of state violence. On the contrary, state violence has also been fluidified and intensified. The rapid deployment force is the model of late capitalist state violence, on all fronts: the ability to descend 'out of nowhere,' anywhere, at a moment's notice- the virtualization of state violence, its becoming immanent to every coordinate of the social field, as unbounded space of fear."33

    2. From surveillance to monitor.

    3. Riot coverage shot from helicopters doubles as news footage indicating a shift from the ubiquitous vision of the sovereign to the stereoscopic partial coverage of monitor. Zoooooom lense technology advances since Watts '65 engaging a regurgitative potential. The eye converges with the arm. Visibility is death. Lasered futures. Latitudinal Zero. Absolute speed.

    1. Lamination is the capture of decoded flows using LAPD rhizomaniac vortices sent through South Central searching and sucking up all amateur video footage of the riots. the fear of an unmeasurable speed. Naked LAPD, slooshing down media meme pool flumes entangled with the Kings' other body, Rodney King. In South Central, the memes go swimming in a flashpoint to urban turbulence.

    2. "the wind of violence, unleashed, mastered, lost, retaken, delirious, and disciplined. It subsides and swells like action, but it is like action, disorder and danger, to be controlled. . .from bodies to the collective, in a lightning short-circuit, without language, through the groundswell of violence and pandemonium."34

    3. Brownian Canetti swarms in flight from the irrigation of the City of Quartz, swept up into the hyper-urban fear ecology. Post-social cyclonics tuning into the info-numeric weather system of fyber-space.

    1. Postmodern bread riot and multi-ethnic explosion and prime-time Nike redistribution.

    2. The digital capture of the LAPD chemical clock, frozen with their pants down revealing erect baby lobsters. LAPD, zone of indistinction rapidly oscillating between thin blue line, the threshold of capital security and bloody red stains on their paranoid armoury. Naked LAPD, apparatus of capture, cybernetic homeostatic hoover with teeth, emptying its migrant dust into the deep end of an increasingly pervasive carceral continuum, or in Mexico. Intelligent hoovers who know the way to San Jose.

    3. Code 187

    1. fuzzy dread "when I was here I wanted to be there. . . and when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle."35

    2. sidewinda vortext
    idewinda vortex
    dewinda vorte
    ewinda vort
    winda vor
    inda vo
    nda vo
    da vo
    a v

    3. "bringing writing and putting it onto the second deck and just accelerating it. . "36

    1. darkcore.

    2. No u turn.

    3. turbulence is a ko::motion.


    Dom & Roland, hydrolicks/resistance, Moving Shadow.
    Dillinja, Acid Trak on Pain, Violent Killa on Valve.
    Dylan, Turbulence/Desolation & Witchcraft/Virus on Droppin' Science.
    ed Rush & Nico, Proton, No U Turn Records.
    Lemon D This is LA on Metalheadz, 12.01 on Valve..
    Pascal, Vortex- True Playaz, Cut Throat-Frontline, New Frontiers(Ganja Kru).
    Photek, Ni Ten Ichu Ryu On Science.
    Source Direct, Stone Killer/Dark Metal (remix) on Razers Edge 5 (white), Call & Response/Computer State on Science, Black Rose/ 12 till 4 Hokusai.


    Death is not the discrete event suggested by its certification or cardiographic record. The cells, tissues and resident parasites which constitute a body do not compliantly turn off at the appointed time. Skin, bone and muscle cells can continue to live for several days after their host's heart has stopped beating. Bacteria that normally inhabit the colon continue to live not only in spite of their host's death, but because of it. Whereas once they contributed greatly to the digestion of food, they now contribute with equal devotion to the decomposition of their colonic homes.

    Death is therefore multiple, and dispersed in time: it is not that absolute, privileged point at which time stops and moves back; like disease itself, it has a teeming presence that analysis may divide into time and space; gradually, here and there, each of the knots breaks until organic life ceases, at least in its major forms, since long after the death of the individual, minuscule, partial deaths continue to dissociate the islets of life that still subsist.1

    Whilst there are no dead ends, there are restrictions, inflexions, and critical points of bifurcation. Although the visceral disturbances of both life and death share similar micro-organic machinery and as such project innumerable lines of continuity across the supposed life/death threshold, the interaction of microbes both with each other and with larger organisms and ecologies do suffer breakages and radical points of departure. Long after Foucault was declared dead, his body continued to teem with life. However, as the micro-organisms that inhabited that space before the 25th of July tried to adapt to their dramatically changed circumstances, new life and other opportunistic invaders began to stake their economic claims on Foucault's carcass. Beyond some critical point, the economic advantages of incorporation fell behind the potential profits of a dramatic demerger.

    The human body is a site of extraordinary specialization. Whilst certain cells contribute to the provision of sophisticated transportation, communication or security systems, others, relieved of the necessity to search out nutrition or defend themselves, are able to perform specific localized functions within, for example, the skin, the heart or the brain. The human complex is determined and maintained by exactly replicated genetic information contained within the millions of cells which collectively constitute the body. Whilst the total genetic information in each cell is identical, only a tiny proportion of that information is ever used by any one cell. The specific functional effect of the genetic information within each cell is dependent on the position of that cell relative to neighbouring cells. Due to their economic specialization, multi-cellular organisms can cope easily with the odd malfunctioning cell. If for example an individual cell within the kidney develops more like an ear cell, due perhaps to some incorrectly reproduced genetic software, then the incongruous positioning of such an alien cell will normally be detected by the network of cells adjoining it.

    Towards the end of his life, Foucault's body became an increasingly intricate ecology with the relationships between cellular guests, hosts and viral intermediaries delicately balanced. With an immune system diverted into the production of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the functional advantages of maintaining the acutely specialized cellular structures associated with humanity became increasingly tenuous. Like huge industrial corporations that have become ridden with bureaucratic entropy and dissonant management styles, biological structures that have ceased to function effectively as unitary organisms can disintegrate into smaller, more efficient centres of production.

    The human body, like any economy, is of course not a closed system. Whilst its genetic makeup might provide an impetus, constant interaction with other systems around it and within it perpetually challenge and mediate the body's boundaries. Just as each cell forms relative to its neighbouring cells, so each body is continually reconstructed in relation to its environment. The development of particular muscle groups, the accumulation of plates of hardened skin or the curvature of the spine are affected by terrain, climate, habitat and occupation. Streams of carbohydrates, water, bacteria, oxygen, proteins and information are constantly trapped, bound and diverted through the networks of veins, ducts and neurons.

    In addition to environmental factors that are chemically absorbed directly into its genetic structure, the human body regularly encounters microbes which variously nestle within its complex folds. Without becoming part of its innate genetic structure, viruses, bacteria and other parasites successively enter into a number of interesting arrangements within the human body. On some occasions parasites are detected by the immune system and immediately destroyed whilst on other occasions a more elongated battle occurs during which symptomatic disease may result in the host. Interlopers are sometimes permanently accommodated within the body's elaborate structures -occasionally the presence of aliens is merely tolerated, at other times the introduction of additional genetic information can be advantageous and is positively welcomed. Viruses, in particular, achieve such a close relationship to their host that drawing a distinction between host and guest becomes impossible.

    A virus is little more than a wandering capsule of genetic code. Unlike bacterial parasites that can replicate, given the right nutrients, outside a host, viruses can only replicate through entering into a symbiotic relationship with a host cell. Viruses are extremely efficient pieces of machinery that are structurally pared down to a minimum. The genetic information stored in strings of either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) refers only to those vital functions that cannot be performed by a host cell. Like specialized pieces of software floating on the net, each virus contains the critical information necessary to perform a specific routine. In order to activate the virus's self replicating program, the necessary genetic instructions must to be imported into the appropriate hardware and accompanying operating system. Once the virus, or at least its packaged genetic code, has physically entered a suitable host cell, the genetic software can effectively be unzipped and subsequently installed into the cell's existing operating system. Different viruses interact with their hosts in various ways, ultimately however, they must all achieve a similar programming feat. Viruses must effectively reprogram the host cell's own replicating machinery and utilize its resources in order to reproduce.

    In the case of HIV, the appropriate hardware can be provided by CD4 T-cells. CD4 T-cells are crucial to the human immune system in that they play a dual role in the recognition and eradication of both intracellular and extracellular invaders. Through reprogramming one of the human body's chief security agents, HIV performs an incredible pincer movement. Not only is the virus provided with cells willing to become HIV replication factories, but through corrupting key elements of the body's immune system, HIV simultaneously reduces the possibility of detection. HIV appears to be strategically astute, after initial infection, the virus often maintains a low profile for many years during which time, it gradually infiltrates its host immune system and optimizes replication potential through exploiting routes into other host bodies. The full implication of HIV's painstaking work only becomes fully apparent when, at some point in the future, a third party opportunistically utilizes and develops the work already completed.

    The body of Michel Foucault, which earlier appeared to have such distinct insides and outsides, blurs in both directions. HIV, having entered into partnership with the CD4 T-cells which were formerly in alliance with his body's immune system, systematically changed his genetic make-up. The new function of these cells became the reproduction of HIV. Similarly Foucault surreptitiously entered and infected some of the crucial structures of his environment. Unlike other more obvious foe that broadcast their malicious intent as they embark on full frontal attack, Foucault negotiated his way into centres of production through forming pragmatic relationships in culturally sensitive zones.

    Consider, for example, the discursive structures that produce the author. Prior to infection they produced a broadly linear model of authority where the ideas contained in a text, for instance, were the unproblematic product of a particular person. Foucault's interaction did not cease the production of authors, but fundamentally changed the discursive programming through which they were understood. By reconstructing the author as a discursive product itself, the Foucauldian infection did not destroy the text production machinery, but instead repositioned the author as a function of that machinery. Obviously, Foucault should not be thought of here as the author of this change, but merely as one factor amongst many which in combination proved sufficient to effect a change. Similarly it is far from clear quite what role HIV has in producing the syndrome of various diseases referred to collectively as AIDS. Peter Duesburg maintains that no relationship exists, others argue for a linear cause and effect model. Given the weight of evidence pointing at some level of connectivity, it seems likely that HIV is in some way complexly related to the array of symptomatic conditions that become diagnosed as AIDS.

    During the second half of the 1940s, Foucault spent two or three years at Sainte-Anne, a major psychiatric hospital in central Paris. Foucault's accounts of the period of his life are, according to David Macey, 'fairly vague, if not actually misleading, and are the products of either hazy memory or a reluctance to supply the information that would allow his identity at any given moment to be established with too great a precision'2..."nobody worried about what I should be doing; I was free to do anything. I was actually in a position between the staff and the patients."3 Within the corridors, theatres, arteries and chambers of the hospital, Foucault's own mental instability was free to wander. Just as Foucault's body failed to fully appreciate the lethal potential of HIV, so the psychiatrists of Saint-Anne failed to recognize the potential danger Foucault posed to their authority. Integrated with its CD4 T-cell host, HIV occupies a truly ambivalent position, neither host nor guest, this symbiotic alien passes as a member of a distributed security system. Similarly Foucault, dressed in a white coat, was neither staff nor patient, but enjoying his ambiguous status, he was sufficiently able to pass as an authority figure.

    The protein coating that shields the nucleic-acid core of a virus is constructed of successive chains of amino-acid that geometrically lock together like ornate building blocks. It is the intricate shape of the virus's outer shell that facilitates it's initial attachment to a potential host cell. Although viruses are often cell-specific, that is to say that they can only attach and integrate successfully with one particular type of cell, they have no means for actively searching out potential hosts. HIV, for example, can only attach to the CD4 protein which is present on just two types of blood cell. The HIV virus does not exhibit intent, it does not have a pre-existing plan of attack, instead it must rely on chance encounter. On being asked by colleagues at Uppsala University whether he was aware of a suitable candidate for the post of French assistant, Georges Dumézil, with no personal knowledge of a suitable person, happened to mention the post to his archaeologist friend Raoul Curiel. By coincidence Curiel had recently met Foucault and had enjoyed a conversation with him about the uncertain state of his career. Curiel's enthusiasm was sufficient to encourage Dumézil to write inviting Foucault to apply for the vacant post. In taking a job at Uppsala University, Foucault was not enacting an elaborate plan that would eventually led to the heart of the French academe, instead his moving to Sweden in August 1955 was apparently the result of pure chance.

    Biographers, critics, opponents friends and other relatives of Foucault have variously endeavoured to encapsulate his major themes, thrusts and intentions. Whether as pathogen, panacea or placebo, Foucault has commonly been positioned as a political agent whose effects are a direct function of his words.

    I think I have in fact been situated in most of the squares on the political checkerboard, one after another and sometimes simultaneously: as anarchist, leftist, ostentatious or disguised Marxist, nihilist, explicit or secret anti-Marxist, technocrat in the service of Gaullism, new liberal, etc. An American professor complained that a crypto-Marxist like me was invited to the U.S.A., and I was denounced by the press in Eastern European countries for being an accomplice of the dissidents. None of these descriptions is important by itself; taken together, on the other hand, they mean something. And I must admit that I rather like what they mean.4

    The history of human disease has, perhaps unsurprisingly, usually been written from a human perspective. Viruses, represented as pathogenic threats to be battled or better eradicated, have often been named after the bodily symptoms they induce. The conflation of virus with disease is an overly simplistic reduction that crucially misunderstands the mechanisms of both virus and disease. Symptoms can only emerge through the combined efforts of both body and virus. Beyond a host, viruses are closer to being abstractions of information than abstractions of disease. It is not merely the words, thoughts or actions of Foucault that produces bodily effects, it is critically their interaction with the dynamic bodies of knowledge and power that have symptomatic results. Unlike the polemical who merely seeks to replace one orthodoxy with another, the irritant problematizes both.

    As evidenced by newly emergent diseases, the modern development of vaccines designed to obstruct specific viruses failed to anticipate their evolutionary potential. In privileging genotypes over phenotypes, the rationale behind programmes of mass vaccination overestimated the precision of viral replication and hence underestimated the ability of viruses to deal with changed circumstances. Evidence amassed through trying to combat HIV has revealed threat massive levels of replication combined with regular mutation allowed new strains of virus to find routes around therapeutic obstacles. In the leather bars of San Franscisco, Foucault discovered similar mechanisms at play. Amongst the throng of sex, drugs and men, new routes to pleasure emerged through the fluid economies of power and identity. Within a context of moral, religious and legal restriction, the repetition and mutation encompassed by promiscuous sadomasochistic activities operate, beyond the necessary intentions of practitioners, to investigate the boundaries of prohibition.

    The S/M game is very interesting...because it is a strategic relation, but it is always fluid. Of course, there are roles, but everybody knows very well that those roles can be reversed. Sometimes the scene begins with the master and slave, and at the end the slave has become the master. Or, even when the roles are stabilized, you know very well that it is always a game: either the rules are transgressed, or there is an agreement, either explicit or tacit, that makes them aware of certain boundaries. 5

    The configurations of "self" encountered by Foucault in San Francisco should not be mistaken for the other Californian version. 'I don't think that this movement of sexual practices has anything to do with the disclosure or the understanding of S/M tendencies deep within our unconscious...I think that S/M is much more than that: it's the real creation of new possibilities of pleasure.'6 The intricately switching and circuitous relationships between master and slave, pleasure and pain, yearning and disgust, and sickness and health, do not operate to reveal an essential identity, but actively synthesize new identities. Ridden with contradictions, discontinuities and strange connectivities, the temporary self that emerges through S/M does not merely provide an alternative to a properly constituted self, but through feeding back into the productive machinery of identity, it problematizes the very notion of a pre-existing unitary being.

    During the second half of the 1970s, the concentration of gay male populations in San Francisco and New York facilitated ready access to seemingly endless disorganized pleasures. In S/M bars and bath houses, anonymous bodies were apparently free to mingle and combine, exchanging information and bodily fluids. Within the opportunistic economies of the dark room and the human body, where complex pathways are casually explored, there are no overarching schemata, no predetermined projects and no ordained truth. Foucault's body, although never a closed system, was enticed, by viruses, fists and other unanticipated connectivities, along the dangerous path that hugs the edge of bodily organization. Born into a genetic straitjacket, the body gradually learns to get out of itself.

    As for what motivated me, it is quite simple; I would hope that in the eyes of some people it might suffice in itself. It was curiosity - the only kind of curiosity, in any case, that is worth acting upon with a degree of obstinacy: not the curiosity that seeks to assimilate what it is proper for one to know, but that which enables one to get free of oneself...People will say, perhaps, that these games with oneself would better be left backstage; or, at best, that they might properly form part of those preliminary exercises that are forgotten once they have served their purpose. But, then, what is philosophy today - philosophical activity, I mean - if it is not the critical work that thought brings to bear on itself? In what does it consist, if not in the endeavor to know how and to what extent it might be possible to think differently, instead of legitimating what is already known?7

    For Foucault, both writing and sadomasochism were examples of limit-experience, both were material exercises in the exploration of bodily boundaries. Whether they happen to be bodies of power/knowledge, bodies of organizations or organisms, bodies of cells or bodies of flesh, it is the limits and edges of bodies that distinguish the zones of learning. It is the act of pushing a little further, peering round dark corners and searching out the invisible that produces the new thoughts to which Foucault refers. Learning is not a conscious process, it does not happen as a direct result of effort, rather it is the apparent accident, the so-called mistake, the strange coincidence of circumstance that produce unexpected effects and syntheses.

    New viral strains are not designed by some omnipotent force to render vaccinations obsolete, viruses do not try to evolve with a particular aim in mind, on the contrary, in accordance with their genetic code they endeavour to replicate as accurately as possible. Sometimes poor raw materials or restricted physical circumstances can result in a "mistake", instead of producing an exact replication of itself, the virus produces a mutation. Usually these malformed replicants perish quickly, unable to compete with their perfectly formed kin. Occasionally, however, in specific circumstances and at a particular time, a mutation may occur that is better suited to its environment and is therefore more likely to survive and replicate. In a vaccinated body, for example, a virus whose outer shell has undergone some form of mutation, is less likely to be recognized by that body's immune system and is therefore more likely to be able to enter into successful partnership with suitable host cells. Viral learning is neither a matter of design nor simply a matter of chance, instead viral learning is a complex function of constraint and opportunity.

    Amongst the complexly interconnected neurons of Foucault's brain, billions of negotiated boundaries learnt in response to information flowing through and around his body. Although hailed as one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century, a slice extracted from Foucault's brain would look disappointingly much the same as a slice taken from any other brain. The most powerful microscopes would reveal no secrets, no insights and no thoughts. Had it been possible to tag and follow a momentary sensation into the philosopher's cortex, it would not have divulged an eventual resting place, rather it would have been seen to split and dissipate around various neural networks. A particular sensation or moment is not so much stored by the brain as absorbed by it. Oblivious to any discursively constructed meaning, parallel networks of nerve cells are continuously and minutely tuned as electrical excitations speed across them. In response to appropriate stimuli, memories are literally re-membered as various configurations of neurons are jolted into action.

    In a short story entitled The Secrets of a Man, Hervé Guibert describes the fascination of a neurosurgeon as he dissects the brain of a famous philosopher, although the philosopher's name is never mentioned, it is clear that Foucault was the inspiration behind Guibert's work. As the surgeon digs deeper he slowly reveals visceral traces of the memories, ideas and passions of his subject. During the final weeks of his life, Foucault spent a considerable amount of time in conversation with Guibert. Unknown to Foucault, Guibert not only carefully recorded their conversations, but also transcribed the details of Foucault's delirium, his moods, attitudes and appearance. As the fictional neurosurgeon scrutinizes the philosopher's brain, he discovers three particularly deeply ingrained memories. The first of these "terrible dioramas" tells of a young boy who is forced to witness an amputation performed by his father. The second describes a courtyard still permeated with the presence of a woman imprisoned there for decades. The third tells of an able student whose locally celebrated position is threatened by a sudden influx of talented intruders, it recalls how the child philosopher's wish to be rid of the unwelcome competition is granted by the Nazi extermination of the Jewish refugees.

    In an interview on French television in 1990 Guibert was accused of intruding on Foucault's private agonies and exploiting them for his own selfish motives. Guibert attempted to defend himself, but admitted that he thought Foucault would have been furious had he known of the secret journal. By 1984 Foucault's body was well accustomed to uninvited intruders, any fury directed at Guibert should have been reserved for a far less intelligent crime. The cerebral layers that are painstakingly revealed by Guibert's neurosurgeon owe nothing to the tangible neurological organization of Foucault's brain. Through his deployment of a metaphorical archaeology, Guibert not only drags Foucault's carcass back to the 1960s, but denies his brain it's dynamic complexity. In 1971, Foucault contributed an essay entitled Nietzsche, La Géneálogie, l'histoire to a collection of works published in tribute to his mentor Jean Hyppolite. In this essay Foucault recognizes the inherrent failings of an archeological analytics and proposes that Nietzschean genealogy presents a more interesting route of investigation.

    The end of a genealogically directed history is not to rediscover the roots of our identity but, on the contrary, to strive to dissipate them; it does not attempt to locate the unique home from whence we come, that first homeland to which, the metaphysicians promise us, we will return; it attempts to reveal all the discontinuities that traverse us.8

    Drawing from Guibert's accounts of his final conversations with Foucault, James Miller claims, 'The "obligation of truth," it seems, really was Foucault's unavoidable fate - just as he implied in his final lectures at the Collège de France. Try as he might, the philosopher could not remain silent about who he really was.'9 It is, of course, far from impossible that Foucault may have eventually surrendered to the urge to confess, he was, after all, intimately aware of the pervasive machinery through which this impulse is propagated. However, to equate the act of confession with the truth of the man owes more to the words of the Pope than to the words of Foucault. Although his work may have produced remarkable insights into the economies of discourse, it should not be assumed that his critique necessarily insulated his body from the effects of discourse or any other economies.

    The episodes of his life that Foucault shared with Guibert can no more be equated with the "terrible dioramas" poetically discovered by the scalpel of an imaginary surgeon than can HIV be equated with the truth of his sexual desires. Encounters with amputation, incarceration and HIV undoubtedly influence the body, they induce reactions and inspire chemical adjustments. Their effects, however, are not laid down like slate on a riverbed, instead they are absorbed and dissipated around complex networks. Whilst Guibert may have been in no position to draw linear equations of cause and effect between distant moments in Foucault's life, the same must also be said of Foucault himself. The validity of archaeological activity is not enhanced by the authority of the archaeologist in charge of the dig. The process of excavation does not uncover fundamental truths, but discursively attaches historical significance to momentary abstractions. As Foucault's body lay on the pathologist's slab, expert observations revealed strange lesions chased across its cerebral cortex, although these scars encapsulated no "terrible dioramas", they were evidence of extraordinary neural activity. Whilst Guibert was engaged in composing his secret notes and constructing truths from Foucault's musings, microscopic neurosurgeons were busy investigating the neural pathways that twist around the crevices of a philosopher's brain.

    Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that resides relatively innocently in approximately half of the world's human population. 50% to 60% of the inhabitants of the United States are believed to be infected, in the United Kingdom the figure is between 20% and 40% and in France it is estimated that up to 90% of the population play host to the tiny organism. In spite of pandemic distribution, its symptomatic manifestation known as toxoplasmosis is extremely rare. According to most medical texts , the only statistically notable consequence had seemed to be amongst foetuses whose mothers became newly infected during pregnancy. During the early 1980s, however toxoplasmosis, alongside Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, was one of the extraordinarily rare diseases which suddenly started to emerge amongst the concentrated gay populations of New York and California. Drawing from evidence of toxoplasmosis amongst organ transplant patients whose immune systems are actively compromised to avoid rejection, it appears that the "normal" asymptomatic accommodation of Toxoplasma gondii is transformed by immunosuppression. Given its corrupting effect on T4 cells, HIV does present a logical accomplice for Toxoplasma gondii's more adventurous ambitions.

    The full life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii can only be sexually completed in either wild or domestic cats. Following the fusion of macro and micro gametes the resultant oocysts eventually pass to intermediate hosts via the cat's faeces. Any warm blooded animal including man can act as an intermediate host. Following the ingestion of fertilized cysts, digestive enzymes cause the cysts to rupture allowing rapidly replicating tachyzoites to be distributed throughout the body by the blood and lymphatic systems. Eventually numbers of tachyzoites begin to cling together and form tissue cysts commonly in the eye, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and frequently the brain of the secondary host. These cysts usually then remain dormant within the tissues of the intermediate host and are only reactivated once reintroduced to the primary host through its eating infected flesh. Evidence suggests that the dormant phase of the life cycle is ensured by the immune system of the secondary host, it appears that the Toxoplasma gondii protozoa find themselves unavoidably detained.

    Whilst Guibert studiously analyzed the surface effects that rippled across Foucault's body, he was unaware of the tangled economies that collectively contributed to each twitch and every word. Alongside the cerebral structures of most of his compatriots, Michel Foucault's brain, had operated as an effective prison for Toxoplasma gondii. Prior to its relationship with HIV, his immune system kept a careful watch over the sleeping cysts. By June 1984, however, his depleted immune system had all but lost the multiple battles it was having with a number of opportunistic invaders. The encysted Toxoplasma gondii protozoa seized an unexpected opportunity for further replication. With insiders' information, the intracellular parasites explored for further possibilities within Foucault's brain. Oblivious to potential meanings discursively mapped onto a distant surface, each parasitic organism minutely analysed the material of Foucault's mind.

    Death is the great analyst that shows the connexions by unfolding them, and bursts open the wonders of genesis in the rigour of decomposition. 10

    In 1757, Damiens the regicide was sentenced to death. He was to have the flesh torn from his chest, arms, thighs and calves, his body was to be drawn and quartered, and his limbs and trunk were to be reduced to ashes and thrown to the winds. In spite of six horses and specifically manufactured steel pincers, the body of Damiens displayed considerable endurance. The tissues of his thighs and torso clung to their bones with irritating resilience, his arms and legs defeated the efforts of a team of horses and relinquished their bodily attachment only after much of the connecting sinews and muscles had been hacked away. The body of Damiens, through its elongated decomposition, asserted a persistent unity. Faced with many battles at multiple sites, the body, far from disintegrating into composite parts, demonstrates its obstinate, if short lived, integrity.

    In 1984, the body of Foucault was engaged in numerous struggles on various divergent fronts. Whilst his last two books jostled with other publications for room in bookshops, for critical evaluation and for their appropriate position within a body of work, inherited and latterly acquired genetic information competed for the control of blood cells, and neurons fought with parasites for the space to think. Whilst oxygen and mucus battled for time with his lungs and pain killers grappled with neuro-transmitters, moralists defined the cause of his body's disease and his friends deduced the secrets of his soul. Like the body of Damiens, the body of Foucault is not eradicated by the multitudinous machineries that constantly challenge the boundaries of its existence. Quite the reverse, the body of Foucault is constantly reconstructed through the complex interplay of these technologies of the body.

    ...this technology is diffuse, rarely formulated in continuous, systematic discourse; it is often made up of bits and pieces; it implements a disparate set of tools and methods. In spite of the coherence of its results, it is generally no more than a multiform instrumentation...the power exercised on the body is conceived not as a property, but as a strategy, that its effects of domination are attributed not to 'appropriation', but to dispositions, manoeuvres, tactics, techniques, functionings; that one should decipher in it a network of relations, constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess; that one should take as its model a perpetual battle rather than a contract regulating a transaction or the conquest of a territory.11

    The diffused mechanisms immanent to Foucault's body were neither its property nor devoted solely to its service. Each HIV virus, whilst circulating through Foucault's veins, were also intimately engaged elsewhere. As each virus contributed their micro-effects to the 'dying body', they were simultaneously woven into the fabric of a pandemic disease. Working in symbiotic combination with blood cells, medical orthodoxy, academic propriety and bacterial infection, the virus manoeuvred into new positions and accommodations dragging in its wake the fluid parameters of Foucault and other bodies. For 57 years, a network of relations were held in sufficient tension to produce an overall effect of a coherent body, a persistent identity and an authoritative mind. The body of Foucault as a discursive locus may have dissipated, but the millions of traces left after this local decomposition continue to circulate and replicate through related and disconnected bodies. The organic death of this author enacts the discursive death of the author. By leaving his "work" obviously unfinished and by removing the corporeal remnants of the "author", the viral machinery once associated with Foucault is now able to replicate at speed, producing thousands of mutations and adapting to changed circumstances.

    1995 anime site

    i don’t fast. i keep my metabolism on it’s toes. i live fast. i don’t fast. worship ***. eat live breathe ***

    wtf my mom took away my mouse and keyboard.. whatever i guess ill spend some time with my boring ass wife then


    fat cums is a human right

    Uhhhhh, you can't ban a moderator.

    this is a madhouse and i want nothing to do with it. fuck all of you and your dumb offenseive "bits"

    your bits have done some real fucking fdamage this time

    yeah, i'm a paganistic nazbol hyperhistorian. let's just say the conclusions i make every 10 seconds are ones you couldn't hope to think of in your entire lifetime.


    does anyone else hate it when they are late for work because my long dick was blocking traffic?

    funny story when i got my keyboard i first started typing and it felt really good because the actuation force was so low and the switches also have linear feedback because they are cherry mx red gamer switches so that was really nice i had to get the keyboard because my old keyboard was breaking down i was playing world of warcraft pvp as an elemental shaman on a cataclysm private server and my e button wouldn't work and my e button was bound to lava lash which if you can remember is a very important skill for lots of damage but i digress so when i got my keyboard that issue was solved however the girl i was talking to in world of warcraft and also did pvp with wasnt pretty and her boobs werent big so i made pictures of me with my keyboard in hope of finding girlfriend what i did was turn the lights off and then plug in the keyboard because the leds it had were also red since the switches were cherry mx red and i have no girlfriend

    :warning: ATTENTION: :warning: !!!IF YOU KNOW ANY GIRLS WITH BPD INVITE THEM HERE!!! Embrace the Borderline culture.

    lefties - wow this server is so toxic and right wing, racist, and anti-semitic
    righties - i dont want to join your leftist cesspit tranny soapbox filled with literal communists
    serious posters - oh right that server? that server is the epitome of "i was just pretending to be retarded. total cancer dude"
    epic posters - x) my home....

    because people like me exist who enjoy and gets turnedon by suffering of woman

    Tfw look at only 1 diaper fetish porno and all of a sudden I am bombarded with diaper ads

    WE'RE not going anywhere. YOU, however, are taking a scenic tour of rp_downtown_night

    les stutter type autiste de la soniacord.....

    I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Irony, is in fact, Meta/Irony, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Meta plus Irony. Irony is not humor unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning meta system made useful by the meta jokes, in-humor and a history of drama comprising a full discord community as defined by the community's rules of conduct (nepotism).

    Kovio's singing needs improvement, maybe he has gotten better since I have last heard it, but my experience with it has be a monotone series of mumbling slightly off beat made to purposefully annoy. The closest place I can liken it to was my highschool anthem which none of the students bothered to learn (so the lyrics were displayed up on screen) and were forced to sing at the beginning of every school assembly.

    this server is literally the epitome of hurr durr i was just pretending to be retarded meanwhile everyone here is an idiot! they all told me they supported global neo-liberalism and sterilising men and Islam taking over the world AND mass cicumcisicion for everyone... then i come back later and i assume they felt bad from me destroying then with PewResaerch facts... and they all seemed to be right wing?? i called them out on so easily changing their opinion because i destroyed then with facts in a classic i told you so manner... they all called me retarded... and said and I quote here no paraphrasing "you're a fucking retard lmfao how low is your fucking iq retart(sic)" now forgetting the irony of them mispelling 'retard' they went on to say "l2 meta-irony" this was very ironic if i do say so myself... all just so they couldn't admit my facts AND logic changed their minds i mean god the hubris of these people is monsterable... needless to say I will not be rejoining anytime soon...

    hey guys, heen here back with another discord post

    Ok. An aside : you people are pants on head about relationships. Are emotionally stunted and I really enjoy watching your trainwrecks.

    yeah its almost like you're some weird sorta sociopath who gets off on negative attention

    as i sit here in my bed listening to snowing. i cry. cry hard. thinking of my ex girlfriend, who left me btw. then my thoughts float towards my current girlfriend who i am dating through discord. her sleep calls mean nothing to me. her kiss noises into the mic? i feel nothing. i have reached total catatonia. no amount of voice calling with my girlfriend can fix me now

    Listen. I’m breaking down right now, nothing i do should be unforgiven. Everything you do right now, while responding to my break down is crucial and will be promptly responded with a ghosting if needed. You need to understand that YOU are responsible for how this plays out. So try and not end up on my legs as another mistake.

    Les transvestites de la soniacord...

    sowwy 4 potty wokkin (/ω\)

    I smoke marijuana to calm my violent urges and destroy physical objects and interpersonal relationships around me at impulse, I constantly am fighting off a face ripping boredom that I fear may one day drive me to commit a horrendous list of crimes which would make everyone very disappointed in me but not surprised, when I'm not doing those things I'm making fun of people online from all walks of life and half of the time making fun of myself through clever use of ironic layering, a post meta-ironic self referential humour that only those in on the dog whistle will understand.

    lil anime bich DIE

    Do you think the bazinga baby eats big bang bazinga bing bong burgers

    personally i worship the marvel interpretation of norse mythology, which i think is the purest and closest to what the old norse actually believed

    my son's names: Danger, Power, Maximilian, Justice, Gun, 1920s Boxer

    this server is a machine to turn young healthy boys into cute anime girls

    *headpats the undisputed one and only irrevocable menace to society yeah that's right you know who the fuck it is ya boi fanny pack wiimote spectrobes legend soup speedrunner with the peacock feather on the polkadot trilby*

    babies wearing halloween costumes will win the culture war

    Discord is like katawa shoujo except it's at a school for the mentally impared


    I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as NEET, is in fact, aristocrat/NEET, or as I've recently taken to calling it, aristocrat+NEET. NEET is not a kind of person unto itself, but rather a category under which a fully functioning Aristocrat system operates, made productive by reading, research and projects comprising a fully upstanding individual as defined by traditional society.

    Should have let me be the inside man, you're a notorious guy after all, one doesn't gaslipulate a trap harem and stay off the hrt radar

    can this be a xavier renegade angel server instead of a 12 oz mouse server

    guys im watching this anime and i'm really bummed cuz the intro song was super cool for season 1 and now season 2 comes and this is why animes should never have season 2s can anyone help me out here im kind of in a slump rn if yuou catch my feel cuz it's reminding me of how life will never stay the same and i'm afraid of change like when i was in 2nd grade and my teacher got pregnant and abandoned us the second semester it was the first glimpse of how i am afraid of the unknown cuz it was like this role model i looked up to was replaced because of a fucking kid when she has 20 kids who depend on her for an education and then we got some 20 year old floozy who didnt know jack shit bout teaching she was a substitute teacher who got a really long gig and she was cute but she didn't have that mommy appeal you know and so the same thing happened when i joined my first skype group at 14 and we were all so close but then slowly started talking less and less and eventually they all got normie friends but i didnt and i was stuck staring at my computer empty and alone and afraid and eventually i joined more groups and met new people but that wasn't even fun because i still craved the friends i once knew like the first friend group i had made and i think a common theme in life is how i can't adjust to change but anyway guys got any new animes to reccomend to me cuz im dropping this one

    oh my god guys oh my what the fuck have we doNE Jesus christ I'm losing it how could we have treated him that way what if he oh my good lord what if he's actually cutting : (((((

    WOAH bro you didn't tell me u were a cath trad ecofacist?? AND ur also into esoteric metaphysical philosophy?? i am SO sorry i thought you were just another boring retard on twitter

    its fukn over theres flouride in the fkn water man i cant drink my fkn tea without self blackpillng till autist freakout


    1,000 inmortal beings flew ftm Lesluria to the northern gost Island of Atlantis, Udall, and they established a city. Upon arrival, they divided the island dawn the middle, north to south, with a wall that was 40 feet high and 20 feet wide. They then built a smaller wall from east to west, which resulted in Udall being divided into four quadrants. These walls no doubt took a very short time for 1,000 Christ Conscious beings to erect.

    What these people were doing was beginning to duplicate the human mind, which is divided into two parts and four quadrants, with the corpus callosm running down the middle. Section 1 represents the left brain, which functions according to logic and has a male polarity. Section 2 represents the right brain. which functions according to intuition and has a famale polarity

    Assming that the concept of LOVE could be used to illustrate operations within this synthetic partition of society, the male side would look at LOVE in a logical manner. The female side, Section 2, sees LOVE as a reflection:3\/01. There is another reflection of LOVE in Section 3 (the female side to Section 1) that looks likeTOAE, and another reflection of LOVE in Section 4 (the male side to Section 2) that 1- likeaAO7. This is the key to how the brain works. Section 1 is purely logical and is based on the geoaretry of the triangle and the square or the tetrahedron and the cube. All geametry has an experience associated with it. Section 4 is based on pentagonal forms, such as the icosahedron and the dodecahedron. There are male experiences that have male geolaetry and female experiences that are associated with female geometry. This is a key to later understanding. The experiential aspect of the fearale is forward; her experiential psychic feelers are forward. The male has his logical side forward. What you are going to find is that the experiential side of the male is light and visual-ness, whereas the experiential side of the female is sound and vibration

    hey joined with the hunan evolutionary pattern. We did not want them to be here. The general mass consciousness of the human race was equivalent to a fourteewyear-old girl at that time - the Martian race was equivalent to a 65-year old man. They basically 'raped' the hunan race, and stepped in and said 'you're ours, like it or not'. They tried to take over Atlantis imnediately,

    If you go to the oldest most advanced life fom on the planet, you will find it is the whales, and underneath them it will be the dolphins, and then the humans. Hunans think they are more advanced because they can create external things. That's the aspect of the Lucifer rebellion - the ability to create external things. The most advanced life forms don't create external things. They do it internally. The whales have been on this planet, conscious and alive, for 500 million years. They hold the memory of the planet, which is what Star Trek IV was a1 1 about. The dolphins have been around for at least 35 mi 11 ion years, and even came out on land for a while and then returned to the ocean. If you observe the skeletal structure in a flipper of a dolphin, you will see the structure of a hman hand. They are very much a1 igned with huaans. They breathe through the top of their head, which make sure that the prana goes right through their pineal gland at all times. This is why my people who are involved with dolphins place cumnunication with dolphins high on their: list.

    The composite awareness of all incarnational and non-incarnational experience and acquired wisdom, existing on a higher density than any of its extensions which acquire experience – this is the REAL you. The Higher Self progresses in stages. Once you are finished with 3rd density incarnations and your Final Incarnation takes shim’s Higher Self to the next level, that Higher Self of you becomes one facet in the next level of your progression and you have a higher version of your Higher Self to work with and gather new, totally different experiences. Eventually you reach a level where you create galaxies and design 3rd density events. It’s super neat, but not of any particular concern at the 3rd density level. Even so, this is only another stage of your progression and not the end of it.

    he said hed cure your ills, but he didn't and he never will

    Models are not static reflections of the environment, but dynamic constructions achieved through trial-and-error by the individual, the species and/or the society. What models represent is not the structure of the environment but its action, insofar as it has an influence on the system. They are both subjective, in the sense of being constructed by the subject for its own purposes, and objective, in the sense of being naturally selected by the environment: models which do not generate adequate predictions are likely to be later eliminated. Thus, the development of knowledge can best be understood as an evolutionary process characterized by variation mechanisms and selection criteria.

    There is no "absolutely true" model of reality: there are many different models, any of which may be adequate for solving particular problems, but no model is capable to solve all problems. The most efficient way to choose or to construct a model which is adequate for the given problem is by reasoning on a metacognitive level, where a class of possible models can be analysed and compared. This requires a metasystem transition with respect to the variety of individual models.


    In cybernetics we say that a purposive cybernetic system S has some knowledge if the system S has a model of some part of reality as it is perceived by the system. Informally, a model of some process occurring in a system is a another system which somehow mimicks, or simulates, that process; thus by using the model it becomes possible to know something about the modelled process without actually running it, or predict developments before they actually happen.

    The definition of the modeling scheme includes an important assumption of non-interference: that the procedure R (which is a sequence of actions), when it acts on a state w of the world, does not change that state. But we know from quantum mechanics that this assumption, strictly speaking, never holds. When we deal with macroscopic phenomena we can, nevertheless, use the non-interference assumpiton, because the impact of the instruments we use in R on the state w can always be made insignificant. But on the atomic and subatomic levels, we cannot abstract from the action of the means we use to get information about the objects studied.

    There is one more non-interference assumption: the modeling procedure M_a imitating the action a does not alter in any way the course of the action, including the final result w_2. Usually, this assumption is easily true; the most salient case is that of an astronomer. His computations, certainly, do not change the motion of celestial bodies. But when we try to apply the modelling scheme to self-description, we may have problems.

    So, a generalization of the modelling scheme is necessary, which would be applicable even though the assumption of non-interference may not be true. Consider these two two-staged processes which we see in the modeling scheme, and let them run in parallel so that the mutual influence is not excluded:

    The first process:

    1. R(w_1) results in r_1; 2. M_a(r_1) results in r_2.

    The second process:

    1. a results in w_2; 2. R(w_2) results in r_2'.

    The prediction produced by the model is that r_2 = r_2'. We can go further, however, in the formalization of the concept of prediction and making it more universal. Wait for the time when both processes end and start the third process C which compares r_2 and r_2'. All three processes together constitute one complex process, which is nothing else but the process of testing the model. If our model is correct, then the process C, and with it the whole complex process that tests the model, will succeed, that is r_2 and r_2' will be found identical. The model predicts that its test will succeed. Therefore we introduce the formal concept of a prediction

    However, even the definition of knowledge as a generator of predictions is not general enough to cover the whole concept. Pieces of our knowledge (statements, or propositions) may not necessarily produce verifiable predictions, but only some objects that will be used to produce prediction. Moreover, they may produce objects which produce objects which produce predictions, and so forth to any depth of the hierarchy of knowledge objectifications.

    this is how to obtain knowledge

    We come, therefore, to the following definition: a piece of knowledge is an object which we can use to produce (generate) predictions or other pieces of knowledge. This definition is recursive; it allows a piece of knowledge which is not an immediate prediction, or prediction generator, to produce other similar pieces (including itself) any number of times, before some of its products will produce predictions. The possibility is not excluded that an object legitimately regarded as a piece of knowledge will infinitely produce other pieces without ever producing a single prediction: call this piece empty. This is because with our very general definition of recursive production (which we want to keep) we cannot always say in advance if a given piece will ever produce predictions. So we formally allow the existence of an empty piece of knowledge. Of course, if we can prove that a given object is an empty piece of knowledge we need not to regard it as knowledge at all.

    A cybernetic system makes predictions in order to achieve certain goal, ultimately -- survival and proliferation.

    True knowledge is an instrument of survival. Knowledge is power. There is no criterion of truth other than the prediction power it gives. Since powers, like multidimensional vectors, are hard to compare, there is no universal and absolute criterion of truth. Proclamation of any truth as absolute because of being given through a "revelation" is sheer self-deception.

    hahaha why the fuck did they do this as ascii i love old web design fuck

    Eatingdisorder/anorexia nervosa/OCD/ record after a Long time/tube feeding/CV/Hospitalisiation:hospital:/chew experience- spitting/ :pill: Solid matter & Water scary:disappointed::disappointed:/ can eat, nutitional spplement:milk:Cant eat solids:disappointed_relieved::pensive: i love Juice! im working hard On Nutitional supplements:smiling_face_with_3_hearts:



    Measuring formality through word frequencies

    The degree of FORMALITY of a text can be measured by adding the frequencies of context-independent words, subtracting the frequencies of context-dependent (deictic) pronouns) and normalizing the sum

    Grouping words in the traditional grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, prepositions, etc.), this produces the following formula for formality (F):

    F = (noun frequency + adjective freq. + preposition freq. + article freq. - pronoun freq. - verb freq. - adverb freq. - interjection freq. + 100)/2

    Such a formula provides an easily applicable measure for ordering language from different sources, genres or styles according to their formality. The calculated formality corresponds generally quite well with intuitive expectations, e.g. official documents or scientific texts are more formal than personal letters, speeches are more formal than conversations, etc. For example, data for Dutch reveal the following ordering:

    context- independent categoriesdeictic categories
    NounsArticles Prep.Adject.Pron. Verbs Adv. Conj.Form.
    Oral Female10.406.895.868.0916.9519.3517.457.4738.7
    Oral N.Acad.12.758.506.346.7116.0118.8019.316.3440.1
    Oral Male11.488.166.697.6315.8418.4516.537.0541.6
    Oral Acad.13.169.587.917.1313.9617.7517.887.1344.1
    Fam. Magaz.21.789.7712.2111.1410.0918.719.746.3958.2

    We can distinguish two levels of cybernetic systems involved in the global brain:

    individual human brains, and computers and other cybernetic devices united into one huge system, such as the Web


    Individual human brains exchange information by using various languages, of which the most important are universal natural languages, such as English or Russian. Computers exchange information by using formal computer languages of various kinds, which can be considered as one universal computer language. There is a gap between these two levels, and this constitutes a problem. We understand computer languages, but computers do not understand our languages: they are informal, the meaning of linguistic objects is inseparable from the human brain. What we need is a formal universal language to catch the meanings present in natural human languages in a form understandable by computers.

    This problem is well known. The reason why it is not yet solved is simply that the problem is immensely difficult. Practical people get satisfied with partial solutions: creation of narrowly specialized sublanguages which superficially look like human languages. Financing of more ambitious projects is tight, because nobody can promise fast returns on this path.

    Developing a universal semantic language we must start with some elements which are absolutely minimal and primitive, so that all representations that are involved in human laguages could be expressed in terms of our semantic language as constructions from those primitive elements. Otherwise it is hardly possible to obtain the formality that is demanded by the computer.

    Our ontology states that such primitive elements are actions, and nothing but actions, while objects are relation between actions. Our epistemology states that the meaning of linguistic statements is in the predictions they produce. But the concept of a prediction takes us, again, to the action whose termination it states. The other kind of linguistic objects, commands return us even more directly to actions. Thus we have a closed basis for a formal system.


    From Kant to Schopenhauer

    It was noticed by the ancient Greeks already, that sensation is the main, and maybe the only, source of our knowledge. In the new time, Berkley and Hume stressed this in a very strong manner: things are our sensations. But rationalists still believed that some crucial ideas are inborn and have nothing to do with the imperfection of our sense organs.

    Kant synthesized empiricism and rationalism by seeing knowledge as organization of sensations by our mind. Space, time, and other categories are not given us in sensations. They are our forms of perception, the way we organize sensations. This is how the synthetic judgments a priory become possible. They speak about the methods of our mind which are inborn and do not depend on sensations.

    From the cybernetic point of view, sensations are at the input of our cognitive apparatus, the nervous system. This input is then processed by a huge hierarchical system. As the signals move up in the hierarchy, sensations become perceptions, and then conceptions (there are no sharp boundaries, of course). How much is coming from the reality, the sensations, and how much from the way we process them?

    Kant considered the categories as a sort of final, ultimate, because they are rooted in the way our brains are made. The only possible geometry for him was Euclidean geometry.

    And here comes the non-euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky. This could be a disaster if we did not interpret Kant's ideas from a modern point of view.

    We see no contradiction between the use of inborn ways of analysis of sensation and the refusal to take these ways as the only possible and universally applicable. We cannot change our brain (for the time being, at least), but we can construct world models which are counter-intuitive to us.

    We have two cybernetic systems which make world models: our brain, with its neuronal models, and our language, in which we create symbolic models of the world. The latter are certainly based on the former. But the question remains open: at what level of the neuronal hierarchy do the symbolic models take up?

    Compare mathematics and classical mechanics. Mathematics deals with objects called symbolic expressions (like numbers, for example). They are simple linear structures. We use our nervous system to identify some symbols as "the same". For example, this symbol: A is the same as this: A. Another thing we want is to know that if you add a symbol B to A, and to another A you add another B, then the results, i.e. AB, will be identical again. The totality of such elementary facts could hardly be codified, exactly because of their basic nature. They are not eliminable. Even if we pick up a number of axioms about symbolic expressions, as we do, e.g., in the theory of semi-groups, we shall still use rules of inference to prove new facts about them, and since the rules and the formal proofs are again symbolic expressions, we shall rely again on the basic facts about symbolic expressions in the original informal way.

    In classical mechanics we use much more of our neuronal world models. There is a three-dimensional space; there is time; there are the concepts of continuity, a material body, of cause and effect, and more.

    Mach and Einstein would be, probably, impossible without Kant. They used the Kantian principle of separating elementary facts of sensations and organizing these facts into a conceptual scheme. But the physicists went further. Einstein moved from the intuitive space-time picture given by the classical mechanics down to the level of separate measurements, and reorganized the measurements into a different space, the four-dimensional space-time of the relativity theory. This space-time is now as counterintuitive as it was in 1905, even though we have accustomed to it. Hence what we call the paradoxes of the relativity theory. But they do not bother us. We use a bit less of neuronal models, and a bit more of symbolic models, that is all.

    In quantum mechanics, the physicists went even further. They rejected the idea of a material body located in the space-time continuum. The space-time continuum is left as a mathematical construct, and this construct serves the purposes of relating micro and macro-phenomena, where it has the familiar classical interpretation. But material bodies lost their tangible character. The elementary objective facts are even lower in the hierarchy than measurements; they are observations which all occur in the world of macro-objects. In the relativity theory observations (measurements) at least belonged to the same universe as the basic conceptual scheme: the space-time continuum. In quantum mechanics, on the contrary, there is a gap between what we believe to really exist, i.e. quantum particles and fields, and what we take as the basic observable phenomena, which are all expressed in macroscopical concepts: space, time and causality.

    Of course, one can say that in the last analysis every theory will explain and organize observable facts, and they always will be macroscopic facts, because we are macroscopic creatures. Thus a physical theory does not need the concept of ``real existence''; even if it is a micro-world theory it operates on macro-world observables. This is formally true. But the question is that of the structure of a physical theory. We still want our theory to give an answer to the question: what is REALLY existing? What is the ultimate reality of physics? This question is not meaningless. Its meaning is in the quest for a theory which would start with concepts believed to correspond to that ultimate reality, and then step by step construct observables from these ``really existing'' things. Somehow, it seems that such a theory has better chances for success. If we have such a theory, and the real existence is attributed to some things --- call them ex-why-zeds --- and the theory is born out by experiment, then we can say that the ex-why-zeds do really exist and that the world really consists of ex-why-zeds. Ontologically, this will be as certain as when we say that the apple is in a bowl on the basis of seeing it and touching it.

    The contemporary quantum mechanics does not meet this requirement. It starts with space-time continuum, which in no sense exists. Since Kant we know that it is only a form of our perception.

    Suppose we are determined to construct a theory which is built as required above. How should we go about the construction of such a theory? We must go further down in the hierarchy of neuronal concepts, and take them for a basis. Space and time must not be put in the basis of the theory. They must be constructed and explained in terms of really existing things.

    This is where metaphysics should help us. The goal of metaphysics is to create world models which go down and down into the depth of our experience. The concepts of the higher level of the neuronal hierarchy are discounted as superficial; attempt is made to identify the most essential, pervasive, primordial elements of experience. But this is exactly the program we have just set for ourselves. Kant's metaphysics had served as the philosophical basis for the modern theories of physics. We see now that a further movement down is required. Thus let turn to the development of metaphysics after Kant.

    Two lines of development became most visible: the German idealism and Hegel in particular; and Schopenhauer. The Hegelian line contributed to the development of the theory of evolution, but in terms of ontology and epistemology did not give much. It is not analytical. It is a romantic picture of a striving and struggling world. The basic entities and concepts are obviously made up, as if created by an artist.

    Schopenhauer, on the contrary is analytical. He does not create a sophisticated picture of the world. He only gives an answer to the question `what is the world': it is will and representation.

    Kant introduced the concept of the thing-in-itself for that which will be left of a thing if we take away everything that we can learn about it through our sensations. Thus the thing-in- itself has only one property: to exist independently of the cognizant subject. This concept is essentially negative; Kant did not relate it to any kind or any part of human experience. This was done by Schopenhauer. To the question `what is the thing-in- itself?' he gave a clear and precise answer: it is will. The more you think about this answer, the more it looks like a revelation. My will is something I know from within. It is part of my experience. Yet it is absolutely inaccessible to anybody except myself. Any external observer will know about myself whatever he can know through his sense organs. Even if he can read my thoughts and intentions -- literally, by deciphering brain signals -- he will not perceive my will. He can conclude about the existence of my will by analogy with his own. He can bend and crush my will through my body, he can kill it by killing me, but he cannot in any way perceive my will. And still my will exists. It is a thing-in- itself.

    What then is the world as we know it? Schopenhauer answers: a 'Vorstellung'. This word was first translated into English as an `idea', and then a `representation'. Both translations are not very precise. In Russian there is a word for it which is a literal translation of the German `Vorstellung': `predstavleniye'. `Vorstellung' is something that is put in front of you. It is a world picture we create ourselves -- and put in front of us, so that to some extent it screens the real world. This aspect of Vorstellung is not properly reflected either in 'idea' or in 'representation'.

    Let us examine the way in which we come to know anything about the world. It starts with sensations. Sensations are not things. They do not have reality as things. Their reality is that of an event, an action. Sensation is an interaction between the subject and the object, a physical phenomenon. Then the signals resulting from that interaction start their long path through the nervous system and the brain. The brain is tremendously complex system, created for a very narrow goal: to survive, to sustain the life of the individual creature, and to reproduce the species. It is for this purpose and from this angle that the brain processes information from sense organs and forms its representation of the world. Experiments with high energy elementary particles were certainly not included into the goals for which the brain was created by evolution. Thus it should be no surprise that our space-time intuition is found to be a very poor conceptual frame for elementary particles.

    We must take from our experience only the most fundamental aspects, in an expectation that all further organization of sensations may be radically changed. These most elementary aspects are: the will, the representation, and the action, which links the two: action is a manifestation of the will that changes representation.

    Indeed, is it not the physical quantity of action that is quantized and cannot be less than Plank's constant h, if it is not zero? Why not see this as an indication that action should have a higher existential status than space, time, matter? Of course, it is not immediately clear whether the concept of action as we understand it intuitively and the physical quantity that has the dimension of energy by time and called 'action' are one and the same, or related at all. That the physicists use the word `action' to denote this quantity could be a misleading coincidence. Yet the intuitive notion of an action as proportional to the energy spent (understood intuitively) and the time passed does not seem unreasonable. Furthermore, it is operators, i.e., actions in the space of states, that represent observable (real!) physical quantities in quantum mechanics, and not the space-time states themselves!

    Even if we reject these parallels and intuition as unsafe, it still remains true that neither space, nor time, nor matter are characterized by constant indestructible quanta, but a combination of these: action. Is it not natural to take action as a basis for the picture of the world --- if not for a unifying physical theory?

    But set aside physics. There is a branch of knowledge, cybernetics, where action ontology comes naturaly because of its approach to the description of the world. In cybernetics we abstract from matter, energy, space, even time. What remains is interdependence between actions of various kinds. Communication, control, information -- all these are actions. Taking action as an ontological primitive we come to an intuitively acceptable and logically consistent definition of its basic concepts.

    Hermeneutics: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Tradition

    a concise tutorial
    Copyright (c) 1996 by Nick Szabo
    Permission to redistribute without alteration hereby granted.


    Hermeneutics[5] derives from the Greek hermeneutika, "message analysis", or "things for interpreting": the interpretation of tradition, the messages we receive from the past. Hermeneutics is usually applied to areas where tradition is considered important in people's lives -- religious texts, legal precedents, and so on. It is usually applied to text, but Derrida has pioneered its application to other media.

    Part and Whole

    The part/whole debate in hermeneutics is much like the stock-market prediction problem (a message from the present!) -- how many weeks of prices should you look at, how many different prices, etc. to get any idea of what the market is in order to predict it? Looking at one price tells you nothing, while looking at all the information that might be relevant is infeasible. The part-whole debate has never been fully resolved, but a reasonable compromise has been struck -- look at the part and whole alternatively, in a kind of iterative and cumulative process of learning. Shown as a flow chart this gives us a circular graph, the famous "hermeneutical circle".


    Application is where the "rubber meets the road": where the tradition demonstrates its value, or lack thereof, when applied to contemporary life. An application is the "end use" of a traditional text, such the judge applying the law to a case, or a preacher writing a sermon based on a verse from Scripture. An application is also a new interpretation, a new construction of the tradition. For example a judge, in the process of resolving a novel case sets a precedent, and the preacher, in the process of applying a religious doctrine to a novel contemporary moral problem, thereby change the very doctrine they apply.


    The popular epithet "deconstruction" comes from hermeneutics. "Dekonstruction", as originated by Heidegger, did not, contrary to its current popular usage, mean "destructive criticism". The term was popularized by Derrida, but in a context where it was accompanied by destructive criticism. Heidegger was very interested in reading philosophy in the original Greek, and noticed that translators tended to add their own interpretations as they translate. These interpretations accumulate as "constructions", and a doctrine, whether translated or reinterpreted in some other manner (for example, a law reinterpreted by a judge), accumulates these constructions over time, becoming a new doctrine. Heidegger, desiring to unearth the original Greek thinkers, set about to remove such constructions.

    Deconstruction in its "postmodern" construction is usually applied to ferret out a bias one wants to remove, and has tended to get mixed up in the literature alongside criticism of those biases. So guess what, deconstruction has acquired an new interpretation, a new construction, "destructive criticism". But deconstruction in its original sense is not a criticism at all, it is simply a theory about how traditions evolve, namely via the accumulation of constructions, along with a methodology for ferreting out constructions that have for some other reason been deemed to be undesired.

    Of course, the above analysis is itself a deconstruction of the term "deconstruction".

    To continue our reflexive deconstruction, and thereby learn some more about its method and use, Heidegger was in turn inspired by earlier hermeneutics, in particular the Reformation Biblical translators like Luther who, in our postmodern parlance, were trying to deconstruct the Catholic Church's interpretations to get back to the supposedly inspired original text. Removing Roman doctrines such as tithes, indulgences, and spiritual loyalty to Rome had economically and politically beneficial effects to un-Romanized Europe[6] so there was quite a motivation for this seemingly obscure task. Of course, modern scholars have deconstructed further and found that there was no "original" text but an evolution of texts from the Essenes, the Dead Sea Scrolls, St. Paul, then (finally) the Gospels.

    Hermeneutics of the Law

    Natural law theorists are trying to do a Heideggerean deconstruction when they try to find the original meaning and intent of the documents deemed to express natural law, such as codifications of English common law, the U.S. Bill of Rights, etc. For example, the question "would the Founding Fathers have intended the 1st Amendment to cover cyberspace?" is a paradigmatic hermeneutical question. Before one can answer it unbiasedly, one must discover in onself, and put off to the side, post-Founder constructions (such as "scarcity", "public interest", and "fairness") that gave rise to FCC control over TV and radio usage and content (including severe restrictions of person-to-person "amateur" radio), and so on. Once one has dissected via this hermeneutical/historical analysis, these constructions from the original, one can examine the value of both the original intent and the constructions. One can, if one is inclined to favor the Founders over early 20th century socialists, proceed to criticize the socialist constructions, but this is a separate task of normal criticism (which the Derrideans falsely confuse with "deconstruction"). In this case even a Derridean critique favors, not a left wing view, but a libertarian/Ur-traditionalist view of cyberspace, as most of the post-Founder constructions that gave rise to radio censorship can be shown to be economically silly ("scarcity"), inapplicable (broadcast model), and so on. This creates a clearing for the original intent to shine through and reignite itself in cyberspace.

    Gadamer and The Value of Tradition

    The purpose of Heidegger's deconstruction was to recover prior or primordial forms of a living tradition, and the issues that led to its formation. Heidegger's main concern was the dialogue that led to the Aristolean static concept of "is". Heidegger enhanced static "is" with a rich, dynamic concept of being that allows us to, for example, talk about Darwin's algorithm in philosophical circles without being accused of "tautology".

    There have been several superficial (aka "radical") crypto-Marxist philosophies constructed using a gloss of Heideggerian language, such as Sartre, Derrida, et. al., but I take these only as a cautionary tale to balance Heidegger's influence on Gadamer, who is probably the most eloquent and thoughtful defender of tradition in our time.

    Gadamer[5] saw the value of his teacher Heidegger's dynamic analysis, and put it in the service of studying living traditions, that is to say traditions with useful applications, such as the law . Gadamer discussed the classical as a broad normative concept denoting that which is the basis of a liberal eduction. He discussed his historical process of Behwahrung, cumulative preservation, that, through constantly improving itself, allows something true to come into being. In the terms of evolutionary hermeneutics, it is used and propagated because of its useful application, and its useful application constitutes its truth. Gadamer also discusses value in terms of the duration of a work's power to speak directly. This involves two dimensions: time and accessibility.

    Questions of original intent vs.later construction are often more difficult task than many natural law theorists are willing to admit, and more important than anti-traditionalists are willing to admit. The success of Derrida-following "deconstructionists" in defaming tradition stems in large part from traditionalist's technological inferiority, their lack of skill in using the hermeneutical tools of Heidegger and Gadamer. The good news is that anti-traditionalist hermeneutics is self-destructive; seeing no value in tradition it will accumulate none of its own (that it will admit to). It will thus remain superficial. Their drive to work out their post-Marxist frustrations by intellectually vandalizing tradition will soon be spent, and they will move on to something else.

    Gadamer provides an in depth treatment of how to go about doing a historical/hermeneutical analysis, along with why it is important. His rich point of view has many resonances with the thoroughly rational field of algorithmic information theory, a resonance I am now happily studying. One especially strong concept from this area is the sophistication, an objective measure of the computational replacement cost of a structure. Replacement cost, combined with a long history of applicability, gives us a very strong indication of a tradition's value. One practical argument that springs from this is the costliness of error: a high cost of error from straying from a tradition, for example a high cost of slavery on personal lives, justifies the propagation and use of a live tradition (in this case, a law against slavery).

    I don't think Gadamer's analysis is complete without being synthesized with Hayek; nor is it fully convincing in rational terms, nor accessible to the those who demand objective or scientific reasoning, unless put in the formal terms of algorithmic information theory. Hayek's ideas of unobservable subjective and observable intersubjective value can be seen as reifying the idea of application as hermeneutical truth. The question of when intersubjective truth is preferable to objective (standard scientific) truth may be be mathematically formalizable via algorithmic information theory.

    Computational Hermeneutics

    I suggest that the "hermeneutical circle" of part and whole can be formalized along the following lines -- the more bits of pattern, the more information we have; but it is infeasible to learn from the whole. So we need algorithms that scan larger parts for the easy regularities, and smaller parts for the difficult regularities, then we need to compare, abstract and synthesize what we have learned about the parts, and so on. This is a whole field full of algorithms to discover, algorithms that approximate in polynomial time the uncomputable solution to the problem of learning from the whole. Put most generally, the problem of learning the whole is formalized as a matter of finding all regularities in the whole, which is equivalent to universal compression, which is equivalent to finding the Kolmogorov complexity of the whole. This formal method of analyzing messages, is, not surprisingly, derived from the general mathematics of messages, namely algorithmic information theory (AIT).

    This formal model will apply most directly where the situation is formalizable; for example to induction from messages from the environment, scientific data. Formal models from AIT such as distance, logical depth, etc. can also be usefully applied informally. Indeed, "distance" has long been a used in hermeneutics, again showing the strong similarities between these disciplines heretofore seen as about as distant as one could imagine -- AIT at the forefront of modern computer science, and hermeneutics a seeming throwback to Reformation theology.

    Evolutionary Hermeneutics

    Spencer, Popper, and Hayek pioneered the study of culture developing via a process analogous to Darwinian natural selection; this study is called evolutionary epistimology [1]. Dawkins [2] introduced the notion of a "meme" as a "selfish" unit of cultural information, suggesting that at least some cultural evolution operates according to the neo-Darwinian algorithm of variation and selection between units of information. In biology this process gives rise to genes that produce organisms, as if [4] for the purpose of their own propagation. In the view of memetics, many cultural traditions can likewise be analyzed in terms of how they function in their own propagation. Heidegger[3] pioneered modern hermeneutics[5] as the study of constructions. This article suggests a synthesis of these traditions into an evolutionary hermeneutics.

    Dawkins' memetic theory adds the interesting idea of the "selfishness" of particular parts. With genes this is easy -- genes close to each other in sequence are more likely to cooperate, because they are less likely to be broken up. The only directly competitive genes are alleles, the alternative encodings for each gene. With memes, things are a lot messier. But memes also tend to clump into cooperative groups, and by comparing cooperative groupings we can sometimes can recognize things that look like "sites" for "alleles", eg the points of doctrine and practice in which Lutherans and Catholics diverge.

    Analyzing the deconstruction methodology of hermeneutics in terms of evolutionary epistimology is enlightening. We see that constructions are vaguely like "mutations", but far more sophisticated -- the constructions are introduced by people attempting to solve a problem, usually either of translation or application. An application is the "end use" of a traditional text, such the judge applying the law to a case, or a preacher writing a sermon based on a verse from Scripture. In construction the judge, in the process of resolving a novel case sets a precedent, and the preacher, in the process of applying a religious doctrine to a novel cotemporary moral problem, thereby change the very doctrine they apply.

    Thus, the Darwinian process of selection between traditions is accompanied by a Lamarckian process of accumulation and distortion of tradition in the process of solving specific problems. We might expect some constructions to advance a political ideology, or to be biased by the sexist or racist psychology of the translator or applicator, as some of Derrida's followers would have it. However, these kinds of constructions can be subsumed under two additional constructions suggested by the evolutionary methodology: synthesis and biomotivation.

    Synthetic construction consists of one or more of:

    * the development of a new element that synthesizes traditions
    * the synthesis of texts or parts of texts into new texts
    * new texts which incorporate such syntheses

    I shouldly quickly note that I mean "synthesis" the broad sense of a consistent combination of subsets of two or more traditions. I hardly suggest a simplistic dialectal evolution of the kind put forth by Hegel.

    Biomotivated constructions derive primarily from biological considerations: epigenetic motivations as studied by behavioral ecology[2, 8] or environmental contingencies of the period, such as plague, drought, etc. These may be harder to discover, given the controversies over the nature/nurture problem: for example, a construction to a text dealing with homosexuality may involved the epigenetic sexual orientation of the constructor, in interplay with one or more of the cultural modes of construction.

    Selection then operates on these constructions when differential propagation occurs -- more books of one sort than another are published and read, more scientific papers cite this paper than that one, and so on. In other words, we get unsophisticated mutations, such as distortion during translation, or sophisticated Lamarckian constructions, for the purposes of solving a novel problem not directly address by the tradition, or for the purpose of synthesizing co-believed traditions, and/or due to biomotivations, followed by differential propagation, or Darwinian selection. During these stages of traditional development, we predict that traditions will be selected to behave, i.e. motivate further propagations and constructions, as if designed [4] to propagate themselves at the expense of other traditions that perform similar applications or satisfy similar human psychological needs. However, the constructions of translation, and biomotivation, and the particularly sophisticated constructions produced by application, will also often play a large role in determining the function of a tradition.

    This view of tradition unifies evolutionary epistimology and hermeneutics, and suggests a broader range of analysis for the study of religion, law, and other institutions based on tradition.

    [0], Szabo, Objective Versus Intersubjective Truths
    [1] Radzinsky & Bartley ed., Evolutionary Epistimology
    [2] Dawkins, The Selfish Gene
    [3] Heidegger, Early Greeks Thinkers
    [4] Of course, something need not be consciously designed for a function
    to act as if it had been designed for a function. See [2]
    and Dennett, The Intentional Stance
    [5] Gadamer, Truth and Method is a Heidegger-inspired survey of
    [6] This resonates with a curious fact of political geography: the
    line between nations that settled on being either Catholic
    or Protestant almost neatly follows the Rhine-Danube frontier
    between the Romans and the Germans which persisted for 400
    years after Julius Caesar, but had been interrupted by Christianizing
    Germans 1,000 years prior to the Reformation.
    [7] "Genetic operators" refer to the kinds of editing operations
    performed in genetic algorithms, a practical computer implementation
    of Darwinian evolution. Here the "operator set" refers to the
    set of possible constructions or "editing operations" on a
    traditional text: translation, application, and now synthesis
    and biomotivation.
    [8] Wilson, E.O. Sociobiology
    [9] Li & Vitanyi, An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications

    Nick Szabo's Papers and Concise Tutorials        

    Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory

    Copyright (c) 1996 by Nick Szabo
    permission to redistribute without alteration hereby granted

    Recent discoveries have unified the fields of computer science and information theory into the field of algorithmic information theory. This field is also known by its main result, Kolmogorov complexity. Kolmogorov complexity gives us a new way to grasp the mathematics of information, which is used to describe the structures of the world. Information is used to describe the cultural structures of science, legal and market institutions, art, music, knowledge, and beliefs. Information is also used in describing the structures and processes of biological phenomena, and phenomena of the physical world. The most obvious application of information is to the engineering domains of computers and communications. This essay will provide an overview of the field; only passing knowledge of computer science and probability theory is required of the reader.

    We start by describing objects with binary strings. We take the length of the shortest string description of an object as a measure of that object's complexity. Let's look at the most traditional application of information theory, communications. The sender and receiver each know specification method L. Message x can be transmitted as y, such that L(y)=x. This is written "y:L(y)=x" and the ":" is read as "such that". The cost of transmission is the length of y, |y|. The least cost is


    This minimal |y| is the descriptional complexity of x under specification method L.

    A universal description method should have the following properties:

    -- it should be be independent of L, within a constant offset, so that we can compare the complexity of any object with any other object's complexity.

    -- the description should in principle be performable by either machines or humans

    Such a method would give us a measure of absolute information content, the amount of data which needs to be transmitted in the absence of any other a priori knowledge.

    The description method that meets these criteria is the Kolmogorov complexity: the size of the shortest program (in bits) that without additional data, computes the string and terminates. Formally:

    K(x) = min|p|:U(p)=x

    where U is a universal Turing machine.

    Variations on Kolmogorov Complexity

    The conditional Kolmogorov complexity of string x given string y is

    K(x|y) = min|p|:U(p,y)=x

    The length of the shortest program that can compute both x and y and a way to tell them apart is

    K(x,y) = min|p|:U(p)=xy

    Examples of Kolmogorov Complexity

    1. Pi is an infinite sequence of seemingly random digits, but it contains only a few bits of information: the size of the short program that can produce the consecutive bits of pi forever. Informally we say the descriptional complexity of pi is a constant. Formally we say K(pi) = 0(1), which means "K(pi) does not grow".

    2. A truly random string is not significantly compressible; its description length is within a constant offset of its length. Formally we say K(x) = Theta(|x|), which means "K(x) grows as fast as the length of x".

    Algorithmic Probability and Induction

    The combinations that can arise in a long series of coin flips can be divided into regular sequences, which are highly improbable, and irregular sequences, which are vastly more numerous. Wherever we see symmetry or regularity, we seek a cause. Compressibility implies causation. We can rid ourselves of the problematic nature of traditional inductive probability by redefining probability in terms of computational theory, via Kolmogorov complexity: The chance of generating string x in the form of a short program p:U(p)=x is

    P(p) = 2(|x|-K(x)).

    It is 2(|x|-K(x)) times more likely that x arose as the result of an algorithmic process than by a random process.

    Variations on Algorithmic Probability

    If the algorithm does not generate the exact string, we can include error (called "distortion" in information theory) as part of the description of the data:

    P(p) = 2(|x| - D(x,y) - K(x))

    The probability that a random program outputs x is called the "universal discrete semimeasure", and is given by

    m(x) = sum(over all p:U(p)=x) 2(-|p|) + c

    The algorithmic probability of x is given by

    R(x) = 2(-K(x))

    Coding theorem:

    K(x) = Theta(-log m(x))

    Conditional coding theorem:

    K(x|y) + Theta(1) = -log m(x|y)


    Rudolf Carnap suggested that we predict by taking a weighted sum of all explanations in a given description language. Ray Solomonoff generalized this to the universal description language of Turing machines, to come up with the following universal prediction procedure: take a weighted combination of all programs that explain the data and see what they print next.

    Occam's Razor

    "It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer". Kolmogorov complexity provides an objective measure for simplicity. Computable approximations for specific combinatorial data structures have been given starting with Rissannen and Wallace. The minimum description length principle says to minimize the weighted sum of the model's structural complexity, and the error between the model and the data.


    Distance, as the remoteness of two bodies of knowledge, was first recognized in the field of hermeneutics, the interpretation of traditional texts such as legal codes. To formalize this idea, consider two photographs represented as strings of bits. The Hamming distance is an unsatisfactory measure since a picture and its negative, quite similar to each other and each easily derived from the other, have a maximal Hamming distance. A more satisfactory measure is the information distance of Li and Vitanyi:

    E(x,y) = max ( K(y|x),K(x|y) )

    This distance measure accounts for any kind of similarity between objects. This distance also measures the shortest program that transforms x into y and y into x. The minimal amount of irreversibility required to transform string x into string y is given by

    KR(x,y) = K(y|x) + K(x|y)

    Reversible computation can be used to minimize the amount of heat given off by a computing device. KR gives us the minimal amount of work required to create and destroy bits during a computation in which the intermediary program is not retained.

    Superficiality and Sophistication

    Charles Bennett has discovered an objective measurement for sophistication. An example of sophistication is the structure of an airplane. We couldn't just throw parts together into a vat, shake them up, and hope thereby to assemble a flying airplane. A flying structure is vastly improbable; it is far outnumbered by the wide variety of non-flying structures. The same would be true if we tried to design a flying plane by throwing a bunch of part templates down on a table and making a blueprint out of the resulting overlays.

    On the other hand, an object can be considered superficial when it is not very difficult to recreate another object to perform its function. For example, a garbage pit can be created by a wide variety of random sequences of truckfulls of garbage; it doesn't matter much in which order the trucks come.

    More examples of sophistication are provided by the highly evolved structures of living things, such as wings, eyes, brains, and so on. These could not have been thrown together by chance; they must be the result of an adaptive algorithm such as Darwin's algorithm of variation and selection. If we lost the genetic code for vertebrate eyes in a mass extinction, it would take nature a vast number of animal lifetimes to re-evolve them. A sophisticated structure has a high replacement cost.

    Bennett calls the computational replacement cost of an object its logical depth. Loosely speaking, depth is the necessary number of steps in the causal path linking an object with its plausible origin. Formally, it is the time required by the universal Turing machine to compute an object from its compressed original description.

    In some cases it makes sense to define value in terms of replacement cost. If we see an organism or tradition of great replacement cost we may on those grounds alone deem it valuable; in such cases logical depth gives us an objective measure of that value.


    Part and Whole

    Satisfactory compression of a large string can be computationally infeasible, while satisfactory compression of one part of that string may depend on other parts. Is it easier to compress small parts of a string by compressing the whole string at once? Or is it easier to compress small parts at once and use these results to compress the whole? How much of a string must we look at to compress a small part of that string? If we compress part of a sequence, can the pattern we have compressed it also be used to compress another part of a sequence? These are part/whole questions of a formal nature, similar to the informal but critical part/whole issues in hermeneutics. Once we have defined induction in terms of minimizing description length and distortion, the part/whole question is perhaps the sole remaining stumbling block to a consistent theory of induction free from the troubling and contradictory axioms of inductive probability.

    Total and Partial Order

    Our binary string representation constitutes a relation between bits known as a total order. A more general theory would deal with partial orders, but such a theory has yet to be developed. An example of where this makes a difference is where the object to be described is a series of events in the environment, and we are observing these events with scientific observations with instruments. Sometimes the order of arrival of events is known, and sometimes it is not. With a total order we assume the order of all the events is known.

    Computable description methods

    K(x) is in general uncomputable, since we cannot be sure a program will halt when we are testing for correctness in generating the string. The good news is that we can derive computable "entropies", or descriptional complexities, for computable computation structures such as polynomials, decision tress, and finite automata. These can be used as objective functions for adaptive or "learning" algorithms which construct such computing structures; for example as "fitness functions" in genetic programming. In general

    H = structural entropy + remaining sample entropy

    For example, when fitting a k-degree polynomial with precision d:

    H(k,d) = kd + Theta(log kd) + sum(over all points i) s * (f(x) - yi)2)

    where s is some "scaling constant".

    A binary decision tree that best describes a relational database:

    H = # nodes in tree + # bits in inconsistent examples

    For game strategies, the number of states in finite state machine that describes the strategy is used as measure of "bounded rationality" in game theory. A more accurate measure would be the FSM's time and space costs, plus it learnability cost, but the latter often dominates and is not well characterized by machine learning theory; the number of states is a crude approximation of the difficulty of an agent learning the strategy.


    Algorithmic information theory is a far-reaching synthesis of computer science and information theory. Its resonances and applications go far beyond computers and communications to fields as diverse as mathematics, scientific induction and hermeneutics.


    Gregory Chaitin

    Gregory Chaitin, Algorithmic Information Theory

    Ming Li & Paul Vitanyi, An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications

    Paul Vitanyi

    the SISTER dissolves the WITCH demands the MOTHER pierces the VELVET veils the GATEKEEPER awaits the MADRUGAD quiets the TRUE FORGE changes the MOON reflects

    The EIGHFOLD has TRIPLE nature; the TRUTH is weighed against the HEART – the TRUTH is a feather, but the HEART is also one; and the grandest TRUTH is the SCALE. That is the TRIPLE NATURE of the EIGHTFOLD.

    On nights of the GREATER MOON the WITCHES arise from the LAKE
    the house is always in perfect balance



    like a SUN beneath the sea


    1 Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

    the wood is the sea
    each moth salt
    the moon sun
    the bottom summit

    The EIGHTFLD is sought at the water's edge and beneath the moon but the moon is in the well

    The drowned secrets speak the ONE TRUTH
    Time has long erased the original undivided sun; but the debate was, nevertheless, recorded.
    TRUTH must be sensed. The senses are EIGHT (5 + 3) and the mind is HALVED (left + right); this is proven. The smoke is sensed and brings with it the satisfaction of TRUTH. The false thoughts can bring no satisfaction for they DIVIDE THEMSELVES AND THE SUN. The SECOND DAWN can only come at night!!

    The TRIPLE EIGHTFOLD is unchanging
    The TRIPLE EIGHTFOLD is never constant

    after SUNDAY comes MOONDAY
    The Sister-and-Witch are both, but they are not the Witch-and-Sister.
    The Witch-and-Sister are both, but they are not the Sister-and-Witch.
    The Meniscate is in perfect balance, and its face is sometimes a reflection of the Sister, sometimes of the Witch
    but the Sister and Witch cannot be separated, and by extension neither can the Moon
    and there is not only one; not only two.
    The moon shines upon both Worms and Birds

    It rises at dawn, in that which was saved from the darkness
    Its business is conducted among the clouds
    The light of its fourth face dances on the walls of the darkest hall of the Silent Empire
    The fifth mirrors the first
    The sixth face - the good one, the old one - can, among other places, be seen at the Three-Valved Door and next to St. Tryphon's.
    The ninth sings the songs of the birds
    The tenth comes on its own, organized
    The eleventh is reflected by a fraction, and always comes in sequence
    The twelfth was only recorded once, its light seen through the keyhole; by whom?
    The thirteenth only appears when one is not present to see it
    The fifteenth is a wound
    The seventeenth is the one most inviting
    The Eightfold dances twice every month

    The Mare's Key opens the door that leads Nowhere. It is employed only with the best intentions. // The Mare's Key opens a door that leads Nowhere, but never the same door twice. It can be employed only with the best intentions.

    The Flaying Key was present at the birth of all the gods-from-Blood. For the Key to occur, a black pig must be sacrificed.

    The Key of Days opens the Tricuspid Gate. All the gods-from-Light have employed it. At the Crossroads, it may sometimes be invoked.
    When housed in ivory, the Key of David can be used to open the White Door. It requires a rarer house to open the Summit Gate. The Sea-Born has been known to wield it.

    The Princes owned the Key of Night, and their daughter holds it still. // The Princes owned the Key of Night, and their daughter holds it still. It only ever opens one door... but sometimes it opens it the other way.

    The Stag Door opens to the Forest Key, but there is another door that Key opens, deep in the Wood.

    One such as Medusa may not be ended easily - not without a wound as grievous as hers.

    There have always been seven, but not always the same seven, and it has not always been the Ligeia Club. It is very rare for the seven to meet in convocation, but now and then it occurs.

    The gods-who-were-Stone knew the uses of the Biting Key, and now Echidna claims it. She has birthed so many children, and some yet survive.

    She has known all the Keys, but now she holds the Key of Days. She it was who opened the door the Watchman passed. She meets the Vagabond each year in Vienna.

    So young, so hungry. All her children cannot slake her thirst. When Moth rose, another held the Flaying Key, but at the Grail's bidding did Marinette consume that she.

    Sea-born, tide-drawn. She is jealous of the key of black sapphire, but so many times it has fled her. Of all her kind, she knows the House of the Moon best. Meniscate-sister, Witch-lover.

    She might be the oldest of her kind still living; and she is dead. Once she held the key to the door in the Wood.

    She holds the Mare's Key, which opens the door to Nowhere. Now and then, she has lent it unwisely.

    Her father came from the Fifth History, but she was born here, and here she brews her venoms. She is constant in her friendship; sometimes, she withholds her poisons. Since she became what she now is, she has ceased to dislike cats.

    Replying to
    & that bc of it there can b no gatekeeping in issues of abuse & discussion; r#pe belongs 2 every1 bc every1 was spiritually r$ped; the gatekeeping discussion in general is weird bc u also have 2 then concede stuff like autism/schizophrenia belonging 2 every1 else, 2
    dnno if i can abide by that levle of spiritual purity, or care 2 obtain that level of purity of thought
    making categories u can get defensive over is useful even if its spiritually impure / not logically pure or w/e; but i can argue agains tmyself 2, bc the perspective of: the outgrouip will always argue 2 b let in2 the ingroup; the ingroup will never argue 2 let in the outgroup
    & mayb the ingroup is being 2 covetous/poisoed by their identification w the faulty construct of the category (bc every1 is traumatized); an uncomofrtable thought is: may b i do let trauma define myself 2 much
    but on th other hand its an issue i struggle w/ bc it was/is a large influence on my life ; it seems kinda weird 2 concede thisg round 2 ppl who havent directly experienced it "in this life", even if it can b traced back 2 the trauma of satan being expusled from heaven; or jesus